Dr. Merkle: Keynote Speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology Seoul, Korea
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: May 28, 2019

Dr. Van Merkle was recently the keynote speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology in Seoul, Korea.About 250 oncologists, researchers, and other medical doctors were in attendance. The audience included renowned doctors that traveled from China for the event: Dr. Jin Zhe, M.D. (urologist, professor at Peking University, in the elder care division); Dr. Zhang Jinping, (chair/director of 300 elder care hospitals in China - which covers approximately 100 million people); Dr. Seo Jungbok, O.M.D (K.M.D) vice president in DaeJung Elder Care Hospital in China; Dr. Fu Ping, (chairman of the Chinese Clinical Nutrition Association); Dr. Kim Kyungah, M.D. (G.P) team doctor of DaeJung Hospital, Korea; Dr. Park Minsoo, M.D. (G.P.) one of the most renown TV star doctors in Korea.
Interpreters were helpful, but many doctors from China and Korea were medically trained using English textbooks and speak English fairly well. South Koreans can receive a free, fairly comprehensive blood test every 2 years through the government health plan. There is great potential for natural oriented doctors to use lab testing in their nutrition practice, which is why Dr. Merkle was invited to speak. Dr. Merkle spoke on laboratory testing and nutrition. He also discussed how serious problems sometimes have simple, safe, natural solutions. Maybe a week or 2 of trying a safe, natural, option might show dramatic laboratory results even in advanced cancer cases.
Dr. Merkle presented several of his own cases, showing the validity of nutrition backed up with laboratory testing. Dr. Merkle’s presentation was enthusiastically received. Many doctors wanted pictures with him and he received several very nice gifts. Dr. Merkle also presented certificates to 26 doctors of the first class trained in Korea using Dr. Merkle’s Science Based Nutrition (SBN) system. The class took the doctors a year to complete and was held by a South Korean doctor that has been using SBN for approximately 10 years. It has taken a long time to develop the SBN system and translate the reports into Korean. Dr. Merkle was asked to travel to China, Dubai and Singapore and back to South Korea to lecture and train doctors on more natural care, as well as options for cancer and elder care, some of the most pressing and costly health problems.
Dr. Merkle said, “Speaking at the oncology conference was very exciting. I also ate some great food and visited beautiful national landmarks but most importantly, I made some very good friends. I look forward to returning.”
Dr. Van D. Merkle DABCI, DCBCN, CCN, is an August 1982 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He is board certified in clinical nutrition and a board certified clinical internist, who has practiced in Centerville, Ohio for over 35 years. He is the founder, developer and president of Science Based Nutrition (SBN) - a laboratory and nutrition, patented computer analysis system. He has been the host of the talk show Take 2 Healthcare on WHIO 95.7 FM every Saturday 11AM to noon for over 25 years in Dayton Ohio. Dr. Van Merkle also contributed his talents and resources to the Chiropractic Online Nutrition Diplomate Program, teaching courses on lab testing and immunity.
Florida Aims To Add Injectable Nutrients For Chiropractors
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: March 05, 2019

A bill has been introduced into the Florida Senate this week to allow chiropractors the ability to administer injectable nutrients. Senate Bill 1078 was introduced today by Florida senator Jeff Brandes, Republican from St. Petersburg Florida. The bill states:
An act relating to chiropractic medicine; amending s. 460.403, F.S.; authorizing chiropractic physicians who have completed specified training to administer articles of natural origin; authorizing licensed pharmacists to fill such chiropractors’ orders for articles of natural origin;
The legislation also calls for an additional 36-hour training course for chiropractors to be able to participate. The bill includes a list of substances that can be administered: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, saline, anti-oxidants, dextrose, glandulars, cellular components, extracts, water, botanicals, phytonutrients, and homeopathics, and may administer medical oxygen.
It is too soon to tell what will happen with this chiropractic scope expanding bill, the legislative session starts March 5th and lasts for 60 days. The bill has a long road ahead before passage. It first would need to make it out of the committee, where public hearings and amendments may be offered, vote on the senate floor, another in the state house and approval from the governor.
The political flames are already starting to roar among Florida's chiropractic associations. The senate bill has its origins with the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association and is not supported by the other two state Chiropractic associations. With dueling lobbyists and competing agendas of the Florida Chiropractic Associating and Florida Chiropractic Society, the fate of this bill will be up in the air for a while.
If Florida’s Chiropractic scope of practice is expanded with this bill Chiropractors in the state would join a progressive movement in the profession working on expanding services. Numerous western states (New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho) have added expanded rights including injectables in the last few years. In Oklahoma chiropractors have had the authority to be certified to give vitamin and mineral shots to patients for over 40 years.
This is not the FCPA’s first attempt at passing a bill covering injectables for DCs. In 2001 the organization pushed similar legislation that was met with public discord from the International Chiropractors Association (ICA). The previous attempt was not successful.
For a brief time, chiropractors in Florida starting in 1985 were allowed to withdraw blood for diagnostic purposes and certified DCs could use proprietary drugs. Close to a 100 Chiropractors in Florida still have the designation on their license. Will history repeat itself or will everything stay status quo? Check back for updates on this issue and more Chiropractic News.
Sign Up For Oklahaven's Have-A-Heart Fundraiser 2019
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: November 09, 2018

Each year, Valentine’s Week, the non-profit “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center asks chiropractors and chiropractic students to join forces to help severely injured children by participating in the Oklahaven’s Have-A-Heart Campaign. Hundreds of chiropractors and students in the US and around the world have raised the much-needed funds for “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center as part of their annual Have-A-Heart Campaign.
The Have-A-Heart Campaign, not only benefits “Oklahaven,” it brings awareness to chiropractic patients and the general public about the benefits of chiropractic for the children. Signing up to participate is free; it includes a fundraising kit and instructions on how to implement. Joining the campaign is simple and easy. Many chiropractic practices show the Children’s Journeys to Health video (included in the fundraising kit) in their lobby and offer fundraising hearts to purchase. Others have used the promotional materials provided to host educational events, raffles and open houses to showcase the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care.
“Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center has quietly served the children for 57 years. Pediatric patients with neurologically disorganization, nursing difficulties, developmental delays, autistic spectrum, cerebral palsy, failure to thrive and many other conditions have been successfully treated at the Center with chiropractic.
When asked why he participated in “Oklahaven’s” Have-A-Heart Campaign five-time Golden Heart Winner, Dr. Howard Berg, said, “It allows the community to see that you do contribute to something greater and that chiropractic makes a difference in children’s lives. That’s huge.”
Chiropractors that have participated in the program have stated that the Have-A-Heart Campaign creates a positive perception of chiropractic in their community and most importantly the satisfaction of helping the tiniest of patients that are most in need. Stepping up to the challenge requires interested chiropractors to fill out an online form and free fundraising packets are mailed in January. Every year “Oklahaven” strives to promote the Have-A-Heart Campaign to a larger audience through word of mouth, Chiropractic publications, organizations, digital and social media with the ultimate goal of helping more children with chiropractic.
Access to Chiropractic in Vermont is Now A Little Easier
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: October 03, 2018

Way To Go Vermont!
Vermonters will soon see parity with health insurance co-payments between chiropractors and primary care. Thanks to the resent passage of bill S.1, in 2019 the Vermont Health Exchange will offer health insurance plans with much lower co-pays for DCs, previously in the $70-$90 range. Motivation for the legislature to pass the bill and for the governor to sign it, came from the Vermont Chiropractic Association’s (VCA) lobbying efforts promoting chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal injuries as an alternative to opioid prescriptions.
See the Vermont Chiropractic Association (VCA) press release for more information
Ohio Chiropractor Swings Onto the Golf Channel Competition TV Show
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 10, 2018

What Do Golf Drivers and Chiropractic Have in Common? Scott Haack, DC
Oct 2 starts the reality contest tv show Driver vs. Driver on the Golf Channel. One of the talented 14 finalists chosen for the television show is Chiropractor Scott Haack. The second season of the show follows aspiring golf equipment designers as they compete for the opportunity to develop a driver golf club for the sporting goods company Wilson. Viewers can follow the contestants from sketches to prototypes as they are critiqued by professional golfers and other celebrities. One well designed club creator will take home a quarter of a million dollars and will see their final design available in golf stores around the world.
How did a Chiropractor end up on the show? Dr. Scott Haack has not only practiced as a DC, but turned his knowledge into a career as a medical device inventor and sport gear developer. In the golf arena he has already developed a putter, a hand free bag cart, and a golf training aid (Medicus CoreLinks keeps golfers arms pressed to their sides, that improves accuracy and prevents an "over the top" swing).
Scott Haack, DC, a 1998 Logan College of Chiropractic (Logan University) graduate, has a keen knack of seeing a problem and inventing the solution. After noticing structural and functional issues of the unequal weight distribution from carrying a heavy golf bag, he created Bakrol, a device that allows golfers a hands-free golf bag carrier. His successful inventions have spanned numerous industries: SoftTouch seatbelt device by Pressure Products, Inc., ALTAIR Force timepiece, Histolock resection device and the Moray EUS Microforceps by US Endoscopy. Now he has now turned his attention not only to his own creative creations, but helping others do the same. Chiro Pro Inc, Dr. Haack’s company, offers consulting from product conception, patenting, to retailing for new inventors.
Watch to Golf Channel October 2nd at 9:00pm EST
That Do You Do After You Win Your Biggest Tennis Title?
Thank Your Chiropractor
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 12, 2018

The Miami Open just concluded with a stellar win by John Isner over Alexander Zverev. At 32, this is John Isners most prestigious win on the court. Exuberant and visibly weathered by the match he gave a heartfelt victory speech following the game showing immense gratitude to this opponent and those closest to him. One person that stood out in his praise was his Chiropractor of 6 years Dr. Clint Cordial.
"Clint is my Chiropractor. You know I am almost 7 feet tall and 32 years old. It takes a lot to keep me on the court," proclaimed the champion. John Isner according to baseline also remarked "It's not anything that he did this week. It's what he's done through the course of the six years that we have been together." "And I have been very healthy for six years, as well, I will knock on wood. That is in large part to him: adjusting, putting this machine on me, or massage. It's everything. There is so much that goes into it."
The 2009 Palmer grad is not new to the professional sports arena having worked with tennis pros and NFL players. Dedicated to sports chiropractic, he holds a CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician from the ACBSP) and a Masters Degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Western States University The previous six years Dr. Cordial has been working exclusively with the some of top American tennis players on tour.
Watch the video of the speech at Baseline
Dr. Ron Kolanko of Brain Brilliance speaking at the FCA Panhandle Convention
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 06, 2018

Sale ends Feb 20, 2018
Dr. Ronald Kolanko will be a guest speaker at the upcoming FCA NW regional convention in Panama City Feb 9, 2018 at 10:00 am. Dr, Kolanko has spent over thirty year of researching, developing and rehabbing nervous system disorders. His work, spawned when his own grandson was diagnosed with brain trauma, evolved into producing amazing clinical outcomes for many with neurological conditions. This drove him and some fellow Chiropractors to launch Brain Brilliance, Inc, with a goal to lead the industry on a virtual new pathway for patient care and recovering the health of the nervous system. The US is afflicted with “Disconnect Brain and Central Nervous System Disorders” or leaky brain. Some of the common and ever growing “Disconnect” maladies are:
Disconnect Disorders:
• Chronic Pain
• Alzheimer
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Memory & Concentration Problems
• Insomnia
• Concussions
Dr. Kolanko's lecture, Rehabilitation of the Brain and Central Nervous System, will discuss the causes of disconnect disorders, how to evaluate patients, treatment protocols and clinical outcomes. Food additives, diet, stress, infections, environmental toxin exposures and trauma take a toll on the blood brain barrier allowing increased permeability (Leaky Brain). This permeability can cause inflammation in the brain resulting in various Disconnect Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system disorders. His discussion will also include how to fill nutritional gaps that current, standard-of-care regimens overlook by supplying essential elements for maintaining cellular health in central and peripheral nervous system tissues.
Ronald Kolanko, BS, DC, DABCT, FICC, ABCS, ACCO
Florida Chiropractic Association NorthWest Regional Convention
Panama City, Florida
Feb 9, 2018 10:00 am
More Information about the FCA NW Convention Panhandle
More Information about Brain Brilliance
Have A Heart Campaign Starts Soon For Oklahaven
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: January 12, 2018

CE Cruncher is excited to announce our participation in the 2018 Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center's Have A Heart Campaign. During Valentine’s Week, February 7-14, 2018 chiropractic colleges, hundreds of chiropractic clinics, and many other advocacy groups around the world are planning fundraisers for the non-profit Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center by conducting a national “Have-A-Heart” Campaign.
Participating Chiropractic practices can sign up at Oklahaven's website to receive a free packet of flyers, donation hearts, press release and an explanatory video. During the week of Feb 7-14, 2018 Chiropractic clinics are encouraged to create fun and informative events for the event raising awareness about Oklahaven and the benefits of Chiropractic for children. A great way to promote healthy children, your practice and Chiropractic.
Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was founded in 1962. The Center specializes in the very sick and neurologically-damaged children who suffer from a multitude of neurological problems including: birth trauma, nursing difficulties, colic, intestinal problems, allergies, asthma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, developmental delays, ADHD through the Autism spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, and a general failure to thrive, just to name a few. Children coming to Oklahaven from around the world experience dramatic results and an improved quality of life.
The children Oklahaven serves range from newborn infants to teens. Most who come to the Center have run the gamut of traditional medicine. Their parents have lost hope and they have often been told their children will not recover. Yet Oklahaven has helped thousands regain their health and live productive lives through the practice of Chiropractic and by teaching their families how to support their children through natural health.
The “Have-A-Heart” week brings awareness of the power of Chiropractic for children while helping very sick and neurologically hurt children receive the care that they need.
“Our dream of healthy children is alive and attainable as more parents embrace the Chiropractic way of life”, said Dr. Bobby Doscher Chiropractic Director of Oklahaven . “It is more important now than ever to ensure true health and well being for our children - both this generation and generations to come.”
Those who have benefitted from chiropractic are encouraged to make a contribution at participating chiropractic clinics. The Annual “Have-A-Heart” Campaign enables Oklahaven to continue its 56-year history of hope and healing to the children, without state, federal or United Way funding, only relying on the generosity of people and organizations that believe in a natural way of life.
CE Cruncher is donating advertising opportunities, social media marketing and email campaigns to help generate greater awareness of this amazing campaign benefiting Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center and bringing greater awareness of chiropractic treatment for all children.
Sign up your Chiropractic practice to participate in Have A Heart
Donate online or send a tax-deductible gift to:
Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center
4500 N. Meridian
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Calling All Chiropractors to Help
Our Fellow DCs in Texas Need It
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 28, 2017

After seeing the devastation in Houston CE Cruncher wants to help. We are calling on all chiropractors to come together and help one another. Everyone can help and we want to make it easier to do just that.
Many Chiropractors in SE Texas need a space to see their patients, a place to refer patients, replacement equipment and probably an adjustment or two while cleaning up. Many Chiropractors lost their office, home and vehicles. If they are not able to see patients and don’t get back up quickly they face financial ruin.
What you can do to help -Chiropractors Helping In Relief Operations (C.H.I.R.O) Hurricane Harvey Assistance
The Texas Chiropractic Association has stepped up to the plate to orchestrate the much needed relief. They are looking for donations of Chiropractic equipment, office furniture, computers, and Chiropractic supplies. Use this as an excuse to donate items in your office that are gathering dust and help a fellow DC. They are planning the logistics of transporting the items to all Chiropractors in Texas that are in need. Every financial donation will go directly to the relief effort and will be greatly appreciated. For more information please go to CHIRO Chiropractors Helping In Relief Operations
In this time of disaster, we all have to work together.
Florida Allows Online CEs for Chiropractors
Where are the Classes?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: July 24, 2017

As of May 31, 2017 The Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine approved a change to the statute 64B2-13.004 Continuing Education. The new statute allows for 10 hours on online Chiropractic continuing education. Unfortunately no Chiropractic continuing education provider, that we know of, can meet their new criteria. CE Cruncher recently created an online platform for Chiropractic continuing ed ChiropracticOnlineContinuingEd.com and was excited at the opportunity for Florida DCs. Our CE website does not meet the criteria, but have asked the state along with other companies for a variance to the the rules. We will continue to keep the public aware of the situation and report any progress.
64B2-13.004 (3) Each licensee may elect to obtain no more than ten (10) general hours each biennium of online continuing education. The online courses shall be competence based learning. Online continuing education providers shall comply with the approval process outlined in subsection (5), of this rule.
If you check the State's website for approved Chiropractic continuing education courses online you will find nothing. The new statute also contains the following regulations that pertain to Chiropractic continuing education providers: competency based learning, use the Sharable Content Objective Reference Model (SCORM) for security purposes, include that only the attendee’s registered computer is used for the course, technical assistance available as appropriate to the course format, allow access to the online program to the Board member who is reviewing the course for approval and view other criteria.
More details will be coming soon.
Oklahoma Chiropractor Rescues Woman and Child
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: May 16, 2017

Dr. Jeremiah Chai, a Chiropractor and good samaritan, rescued a woman and her child after their vehicle ended up in a lake. On his way home after dropping his daughter off at school Dr. Chai viewed a SUV almost 35 feet from the shore of Sahoma Lake. Relying on his rescue training as a life guard, he retrieved the family and brought them safely to shore. The mother swerved to avoid an accident and ended up in the lake and both are doing fine since the accident.
A 2014 graduate of Parker University, Dr.Jeremiah Chai is a second generation chiropractor practicing with his father Dr. Kim Chai at the Back and Neck Clinic of Sapulpa. Sapulpa is a small suburb southwest of Tulsa Oklahoma.
Chiropractic Websites, ADA Compliance and Legal Threats
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 31, 2016

Chiropractors, ADA Website Compliance and Legal Threats
I received a call last week from Kathy Jones of NACA Texas about letters surfacing around the country (Texas, New York, Connecticut) from law firms threatening civil litigation against Chiropractors stating their websites discriminate against individuals with visual, hearing, or physical manual dexterity impairments under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The letters threaten civil litigation or a payment in lieu of litigation since their websites were inaccessible, violating the ADA. Unfortunately, many DCs have out of fear and lack of understanding have paid these ransoms to the plaintiff’s law firms. After giving two webinars on the topic last week with NACA Texas last week I decided I better share the information with more Chiropractors across the US.
Web accessibility lawsuits and threats are only the latest exploit of the ADA, volumes of cases have been threatened and litigated over physical barriers in businesses and now websites. The new slew of ADA website threats in Texas comes on the heels of verdicts against major retailers Target, Winn Dixie and a few others with substantial payouts. Chiropractors and other healthcare business have been targeted in these new legal threats in Texas from Austin ADA attorney Omar Weaver Rosales.
Understanding the Law –
Enacted in 1990 the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. The American Disability Act is comprised of 3 parts: Title I, II and III. Title I pertains to employment and hiring, II is for state and local government, and III applies to any businesses private or public that offers public accommodations. The ADA lists twelve separate categories of business, one being doctors’ and dentists’ offices.
The suggested violations in the letters fall under the American Disability Act’s title III. The Department of Justice has taken the position that title III covers websites of public accommodations, although title III does not specifically mention the Internet. The only guidelines for websites mentioned in the entire act are located in title II, Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities (June 2003) which refers to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C®) and the ADA tool kit.
What makes a website accessible? The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C®) that the ADA references are a set of programming standards that most professional web development companies and programmers integrate into their websites. The W3C is an international community of the foremost experts in programming and web development that creates open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.
These standards were developed to ensure universal parameters for adaptive hardware and software to improve the internet browsing experience of those with impairments. Almost all of the items criteria would not be noticed by an internet user unless they were using adaptive technology. They include language that describes pictures, captions for videos and name descriptions for links, flashing items, audio that auto-plays and much more.
As a chiropractor and owner of a web development firm, the above information is difficult at best. Unless you are a web programmer not much will make much sense. It would be on par with explaining how to palpate and adjust C1 to a non-Chiropractor. I found a number of website checkers. Just enter your url and results populated. Unfortunately, they all offered varying results and did not include all aspects of the guidelines and many were outdated.
If you are now afraid that your websites may not be accessible, one exception does exist. According to the DOJ your business may meet its legal obligations by providing an accessible alternative for individuals to enjoy its goods or services, such as a staffed telephone information line. The website alternative must provide an equal degree of access in terms of hours of operation and range of options and programs available, so it would have to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you do not have a call service keep reading.
Chiropractic Websites -
My staff and I completed a check of the largest providers of Chiropractic websites and generated these results. I choose sites of friends, colleagues and individual chiropractor’s websites listed on chiropractic websites development companies’ sites.
Based on the ADA guidelines, our reviews of Chiropractic websites and claims made in the lawsuits we created this list of areas of concern:
♦ Ecommerce and shopping cart. All images need alt tags and the checkout process needs to have labels on every form
♦ Downloadable Forms – If you have new patient forms posted on your site as downloadable files include them not only as .pdf but html and .rtf formats. Make sure if it is a fillable form online that it ♦ includes descriptive HTML tags for all images and links.
♦ Make an appointment - If this is an application on your site make sure that it includes descriptive HTML tags.
♦ Video – Avoid Flash. If the video is embedded from youtube.com add the caption option. Complaints have been made of youtube.com’s caption service, but it is better than nothing. Instead of embedding the video just include a link (with an alt tag) and let another company take responsibility for the captions.
♦ Frames – Don’t use them on your website.
♦ Jump Navigation
Now that you are good and scared that a letter will show up in your mail box disparaging your website, what do you do? If you receive a letter call an attorney familiar with healthcare law and these cases. (We know a few.) Most Chiropractors, unless they are web programmers are not going to be able to discern if their websites meet these requirements. You can ask your web developer if your Chiropractic website is compliant, but how do you really know?
For any Doctors of Chiropractic stressed out after reading this article we are offering a $99 Peace of Mind Review. We will review your Chiropractic Website, generate a report, help you correct the ADA compliance issues, offer suggestions to your web programmer and recheck the site once the corrections are made.
CE Cruncher also offers ADA compliant Chiropractic Websites, with editable content, built in SEO, email blasts and practice specific content creation.
How Are You Celebrating World Spine Day?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 27, 2016

World Spine Day 2016 – “Straighten Up and Move”
October 16th, 2016 marks the fifth World Spine Day. This year’s theme: Straighten Up and Move. World Spine Day is a collaborative effort from the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, World Federation of Chiropractic, and numerous other health organizations to promote awareness about spinal health. They provide education about posture, physical activity, and the impact of spine conditions on work and life while promoting a collaborative interdisciplinary approach to care.
To spread the message of World Spine Day the organization encourages health care providers and organization to coordinate an event to raise awareness. To support the efforts, they have created social media content, brochures, videos and even an app about spinal health for providers to download for free. This year’s event so far include: spinal screenings, health fairs, exercise classes, yoga classes and a Spine Climb event.
The World Federation of Chiropractic https://www.wfc.org/website/ has added a cash incentive to coordinating a WSD event by hosting an annual competition open to chiropractic organizations and Chiropractors worldwide to show off their World Spine Day planned activities. Chiropractic Colleges, Chiropractic Organizations and Individual Doctors of Chiropractic can submit their project and activities for cash prizes. Dr. Richard Brown is the committee chair for World Spine Day and the Secretary-General of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC).
Prizes Include:
Chiropractic Associations: First prize: US$600 Runner up: US$300
Chiropractic Colleges: First prize: US$600 Runner up: US$300
Clinic/individual DC: Best entry: US$500
Entries need to be submitted by November 15, 2016 to Sarah Villarba at svillarba@wfc.org . Winners will be featured in the December issue of the WFC Quarterly World Report.
The project also encourages individuals to talk about their own experiences with spinal conditions by using the hashtag #MyBackStory
Check out the funny video for World Spine Day written, directed and starring their Global Coordinator Dr. Robyn Brown
Largest Chiropractic Convention in 2016
FCA National Orlando FL
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 25, 2016

The Largest Chiropractic Event of 2016
The Florida Chiropractic Association’s National Event in Orlando August 25 -28th 2016 has evolved into the largest event for Doctors of Chiropractic in the World. The FCA reports over 4,500 attendees including: DCs, LMTs, CAs, vendors, and friends of the profession. No longer just a coveted event for Florida Chiropractors, DCs in attendance traveled from over 45 states for the grand event.
The 4-day spectacular featured heavy hitting speakers from all facets of the Chiropractic profession. The FCA truly provided something for everyone, which is not easy in this profession. A motivational speech from Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Dr. Joseph Mercola discussed natural medicine, sports guru Dr. Spencer Baron showed a few moves, Dr. Carrick explained TBI and PTSD , Dr. Fabio Mancini led a congo line out of one of his classes, and the Acupuncture legend Dr. Paul Jaskoviak detailed practical applications for everyday practice. I have to admit that I have never enjoyed a required course as much as I did with the FCA's panel series. NO more boring power points of materials from years past. Every expert Chiropractor offered real insight and valuable information that made the hours slip away. Over 20 hours of Chiropractic CEs were offered with continuing education credits available in over 40 states, thanks to Texas Chiropractic College.
Eager DCs filled the expo area to find the latest and most innovative products available. New comers, CerviPedic Neck-Relief, offered a new idea in travel pillows that also functioned as a portable cervical traction device. Foot Levelers unveiled their newest orthotics the AM7™ and CPOYA™. Over 400 vendors filled the grand hall with information, demonstrations and much to add to your chiropractic practice.
If you missed this year’s event, not to worry it will be back again in 2017. Impatient for Chiropractic continuing education then check out one of the other FCA’s four regional stretched across Florida in the next twelve months.
Chiropractor Eliminated from DOT Physicals in New York
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 04, 2016

When New York Chiropractors certified to do DOT physicals received a letter saying that they would be removed from the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Doctors of Chiropractic in New York and across the country wanted answers. An alphabet soup of agency, registries and organizations are all part of this frustrating puzzle with no quick fix in sight.
As of June 1st 2016 New York Chiropractors are no longer able to provide DOT physicals and have been classified on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) list as not currently certified, compliments of the New York State Board of Chiropractic.
The New York State Board of Chiropractic decided to reverse their opinion on DOT physicals that had been in place for over 10 years late last year. On September 24th of 2015 the New York State Board of Chiropractic sent letters to New York Chiropractors on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) list explaining that DOT physicals were, “beyond the scope of chiropractic practice as defined under New York State law.” To make matters worse they also stated that it would take a legislative decision to expand the scope of practice. The Chiropractic board's decision resulted from strong arming by the New York State Education Department, no member of the Chiropractic Board signed the letter.
The history behind this controversy starts in 2005 when the New York State Board of Chiropractic sent a statement to the FMCSA through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) that the components of the DOT physical exam were within the scope of practice of Chiropractors in New York. In 2014 the FMCSA created the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners requiring all providers to pass a national exam to become certified and listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Federal and New York State law supports Chiropractors inclusion in the NRCME. 48 DCs in New York were listed as providers and performed over 30,000 exams before being removed this June. Currently hundreds of Chiropractors across the country are certified and conducting DOT exams on truck drivers every day.
Currently challenges are being made to return New York Chiropractors to the NRCME list by petitioning the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration over the procedures of their recent ruling. Other options include having the New York State Board of Chiropractic reversing their decision or a legislative change to the chiropractic practice act.
The New York State Chiropractic Association is also working on changing the state practice act part of their agenda this year. They want to add a number of law changes to expand the scope of chiropractors in New York. The changes include the ability to diagnose and differentially diagnose, along with the examine; which includes stand-alone examinations such as those required for DOT exams, school sports physicals, scoliosis screenings, and more. Without changes the ability of Chiropractors in New York to perform any type of physical exam beyond the spine could come into question. Medicare and Insurance carriers could question a Doctor of Chiropractic's ability under the New York scope to provide exams and treatment.
Fortunately for New York Chiropractors and DOT certified DCs nationwide the Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition (SDSRC) stepped up to battle this fight. This 501 (c)6, formed by a group of dedicated DOT educators and certified Chiropractors that want to protect, defend and expand the rights of chiropractors in their participation in the performance of DOT physicals. They believe maintaining Chiropractors on the national registry will allow truckers and the trucking industry greater access and lower costs for exams.
The trucking industry agrees with the SDSRC. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) sent a letter to the New York State Board for Chiropractic asking them to reconsider their decision and that they shouldn’t make truck drivers’ lives any more difficult.
A larger battle could be brewing in other states based on the New York situation. According to the SDSRC, they believe challenges in Connecticut over DOT physicals two years ago from the Connecticut Medical Association, Connecticut Orthopedic Medical Society and other groups could be part of a strategy to eliminate Chiropractors state by state. After recent online statements on an industry list serve they fear theses attacks are being fueled by a few medical doctors in the transportation industry.
Extra Opinion: After having the opportunity to meet with Dr. David Thorpe of the the Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition last weekend I understand the potential set backs that face the entire Chiropractic profession. The real problems generated from this biased attack against Chiropractors in New York and others in recent years, namely in Connecticut and Texas, shows with legal and administrative challenges to state laws can eliminate the ability to provide school physicals, order and perform diagnostic tests, receive and accept referrals, plus much more. The right to practice is being eroded by malicious factions using the state chiropractic practice acts against DCs.
Today they are coming for New York DOT Exams, who will be next? It is time for Chiropractors to stand up and demand to practice to the extent of their education. The Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition (SDSRC) wants to defend Chiropractors across the US and is asking for help. Donate to the SDSRC
Chiropractic Online Reputation Part 1
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 03, 2016

Good, bad or absent, we all have an online reputation. When someone types your name, practice or chiropractor in your town into a Google search the results will be their first impression about you and your practice, making your online reputation. Your online reputation is composed of every site, post, mention and reference to you on the web. Most Chiropractors are not aware of the condition of their reputation. Just because you have a website don’t think that will be the first or only thing that appears and the search from your laptop in no way reflects what everyone else sees.
If you do one thing for your Chiropractic practice’s online reputation this year, own your Google Business Listing. Many of you have probably already done this, but there is more . . . stay tuned. Internet sources report that 44% of Google business listing are not owned.
I remember a professor telling our class in Chiropractic College (circa 2001) that when he started into practice he walked three miles around his first office looking for phone booths. He placed his business card in each phone booth’s phone book in the Chiropractor section. Most recent Chiropractic graduates right now will have a puzzled look on their face wondering what I am referring to and many experienced Chiropractors are probably nodding their collective heads.
The days of phone booths and phone books are over. Today’s new patients are not thumbing through a big yellow book. They are searching for you on Google. With over a trillion searches a day, a few of them are looking for you. Truth be told, not everyone is searching for you on Google; just the majority.
Just like the days of old you can buy a big ad on some directory, even Google, but before you do that there is a much simpler free way to improve your ability to be found on Google for free. The goal is to ensure a return on investment (ROI) that meets or exceeds the markets expectation. This is no different than any business in the world, what you get in return has to be significantly more that is costs you.
This is not an introduction manual, but a simple guide. To get started with your Google Business Listing go to Google maps and search for your business, your name, and any other provider that has ever worked in your office. Make a list of the URLs (Web addresses) of all of the listings. Hopefully you only have one. If you have more than one listing that can be a problem, which is a conversation for another day.
Find your listing, claim it, and verify it. Google, the Master of the Internet tries to add every business that it can find to its maps. That is why we all love them. Unless you opened your doors in a brand new building, you probably have a listing. When a listing is verified, it lets Google know that this information is accurate and that listing will rank higher in Google searches.
Claim your business then verify it. Google will send you a postcard or call your office to verify that you are at the address of the listing. Your updates and additions will only be seen if you verify the listing. When a listing is verified, it lets Google know that this information is accurate and then that listing will rank higher in Google searches.
Many Chiropractors have fallen into the trap of having third parties set up their Google business listing account not under your Gmail address. My professional experience with working with Chiropractors for years to improve their online reputation, I can safely say that half of Chiropractors do not have access to their listing. I also recommend you set up your business listing in your own name, with your own Gmail account and then add Manager permissions to any providers helping with your online reputation.
This is vital in the event that relationship ends and you are shut out of your own account. If another company or person claims your listing you have some work to do.
Now that you have your listing, add some pictures. Potential patients want to see your face, even if you have a face only fit for radio. They are not searching for a super model; they are looking for someone they can trust with their health. Add your logo, office hours a description about your business that talks about things potential patients might be looking for. They are looking for help from back pain and headaches not for wellness, and their subluxations to be removed. Save that conversation for your office.
Add pictures of the outside of your office and the inside to give your potential patients the comfort of knowing what to expect inside. Clean up the room. I have seen pictures with dirty face paper on the table. Patients do not know what to expect so leave anything that could resemble medieval torture out: Knee to chest tables and anything with multiple leads. You might be excited about your new traction table, might be a little scary to a potential patient. Electric rehabilitation equipment, computerized systems have a great visual appeal, start there. Take a picture of your staff, unless you burn through receptionists. A smiling face at the front desk is more inviting than an empty chair.
Do you need a professional photographer to shoot the pictures? It wouldn’t hurt. If that is not in your budget then it can be as simple as a millennial and a smart phone.
Now you are set. Want to know the value? You can track how many times your listing is viewed, someone calls from the listing, when they call and reply to reviews in the Insights section on your new Google Business Listing.
Think about how many more patients you could help, if they could just find you. I had an upset chiropractor tell me recently that numerous new patients did not show for their first visit because they went to his old address still on Google maps.
Straight Chiropractic Owner Joins the New Mexico Chiropractic Board
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: October 01, 2015

The New Mexico Board of Chiropractic Examiners has a new member. Dr. Brad Fackrell was just appointed to the Chiropractic Board by the Governor Susana Martinez. Dr, Fackrell, a graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College has practiced in Rio Rancho for 17 years and is the owner of Straight Chiropractic (really, that is the name of his practice).
Six members have a seat on the New Mexico Board of Chiropractic Examiners, four chiropractors and public members. Dr. Fackrell’s appointment should add some spice to this southwestern board. Two of the board members are listed as holding Advanced Practice certification in the state. In 2014 Dr. Fackrell, along with a handful other DCs from across New Mexico, presented to a house committee their rationale on why New Mexico should not expand the formulary for advanced practice practicing chiropractors.
In 2012 New Mexico passed legislation creating a new designation for Chiropractors in the state, Advanced Practice. After post graduate training and passing an exam DCs in New Mexico could apply for this designation expanding their scope to include a formulary of prescriptive products. In 2013 and 2014 legislation was proposed to expand the formulary beyond over the counter medications, homeopathy vitamins and minerals. None of the bills were successful.
As the battleground over Chiropractic practice scope expands in the west, New Mexico should be a place to watch. This piece required a bit of editorial content, which we try to avoid. CE Cruncher holds no opinion on the scope of practice for Chiropractors. We just wish all Chiropractors could get along and focus on improving the profession.
Need Florida Chiropractic CEs? Check Out These Options Beyond the Classroom
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: July 25, 2015

Renewal is around the corner (March 31st, 2016) and CE Cruncher wants to make sure that you have all of your Chiropractic CEs completed before the biennium is up.
You can always find courses at CE Cruncher certified for Florida DC CEs, but did you know the other options for obtaining credits according to the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine? No, we don't have the option of online courses yet. (CE Cruncher is working on that.) If you dig through the Florida State statutes deep enough alternatives do exist, so we did it for you.
Rule 64B2-13.004 of the Florida Administrative Code (you have to open a word doc to read them) offers other options for Chiropractic Continuing Education in Florida than sitting in a classroom for 40 hours.
Florida Chiropractic Continuing Education Requirements:
Chiropractic Physician’s license renewal needs to include 40 hours of state approved courses:
27 hours of general education
6 hours of record keeping/documentation and coding
2 hours of in ethics and boundaries
2 hours of Florid laws and rules
2 hours of medical errors
1 hour of risk management
If you are a Chiropractor that has an acupuncture certification then you will also need:
2 hours of safety and risk management in acupuncture
2 hours of acupuncture technique
The 4 hours can be obtained as part of 40 required Chiropractic hours
Alternatives to classroom CE hours:
We listed the options below, in our opinion, in the order of plausibility. If you are a member of the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine or teach at a Chiropractic College then many of these options are feasible, but for the average Chiropractor only the first one applies.
- Board Meeting - If you register and an attend a Florida Board of Chiropractic meeting you will receive 5 hours of risk management. Caveats: you must be there for the entire meeting or 8 hours, sign out at the end and not be present to appear in front of the board for disciplinary or presentation reasons. Upcoming dates
- Teach a Seminar - Once a biennium you can receive credit for being an instructor of a board approved continuing education program. You only qualify for credit for the hours that you taught, of the program.
- Volunteer to Help the Poor – Earn up to 8 hours of cont ed for each hour worked helping the poor and indigent under Chapter 766 of the Florida Statutes. Basically volunteer at the health department or a non profit with out receiving compensation from the organization or billing any of your services.
- Volunteer at a Public School - If you work 80 hours a year for each school year during the biennial license period with out compensation you can earn 10 hours of Chiropractic continuing education and the State of Florida will waive your biennial license renewal fee. This program falls under the Public school volunteer health care practitioner program.
- NBCE Grader/Examiner- Receive 7 Florida Chiropractic CE Hours per National Board of Chiropractic Examiners exam and up to 14 per biennium for helping administer the test.
- Expert Witness – If you volunteer as an expert witness for case reviews for the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine under the Chiropractic Statute Chapter 460, you can obtain 5 hours of risk management and up to 10 hours per biennium. The board expects a literature survey with the board reviewed cases.
- Test Consultant - If the Florida Chiropractic Board uses you as a consultant for the laws and rules portion of the state test you will qualify for 2 hours of laws and rules during that biennium
- Former Board Member- If you are no longer a board member but are willing to serve on the Probable Cause Panel Board you can receive all of the 13 required FL Chiropractic CE hours.
- Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine Member – After a nomination and appointment from the governor, serving on the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine counts for the 13 required CE Hours.
Always check with the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine with questions or up to date information on requirement for Chiropractic continuing education in Florida. Don't forget that now all Florida CE Hours must appear in your CE Broker account to renew your license.
Still need CE classroom hours? You can always check on CE Cruncher for CE hours in Florida and the entire US.
Innate Coffee Mug - A Travel Necessity for the Principled Chiropractor
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: June 02, 2015
Editorial: My mind is always abuzz with Chiropractic and CE Cruncher, even on vacation I am writing about a unique find during my travels.
Today’s find is only for the principled Chiropractors, anyone that loved philosophy class in Chiropractic College, or any DC with Green Books on their selves.
Chiropractic Product Review:
Innate Gear Travel Mug – How does a thermal mug pertain to daily Chiropractic Practice? It doesn’t, unless you find carrying around a product stamped with INNATE sparks your interest.
The stainless steel mugs offer from Innate insulation of hot or cold beverages and a chance to start a conversation about the body’s unique ability to heal. After a 10 minute discussion of innate intelligence and the basis in Chiropractic philosophy with the friend who’s cup I had absconded I decided that I should probably share my find with other Chiropractors. The mug offers a attractive travel design fitting many cup holders, a silicon lid and a great cup of tea for hours. It also offers the chance to share one of the principles of Chiropractic with anyone that notices your mug.
After I discovered an Innate coffee mug in a friend’s cupboard while traveling in Ontario Canada I had to know more about the company. Based in Vancouver BC, Innate offers a full line of travel mugs, water & food storage, travel umbrellas, travel cases and RFID protected cases. The company stands behind their philosophy of ‘Leaner, Cleaner, Greener’, striving to make products with a positive global and environmental impact. All of their raw materials are designed to ensure there is no endocrine activity disrupting phthalates including Bisphenol-A (BPA). Plus Chiropractors will love that every product comes brandished with the innate logo.
Ready to travel with an Innate mug or case? They can be purchased in Canada at Mountain Equipment Co-op, in the US at REI, or on Amazon.
Amy Tirpak, DC
CE Cruncher's Founder and Lead Chiropractor
* Disclaimer: CE Cruncher supports the entire spectrum of Chiropractic. Upper Cervical, Straight, Principled, Mixer, Evidence Based, Functional Medicine and Advanced Practice Chiropractic Physicians are welcome and encouraged to find Chiropractic Continuing Education, new and humor on this site. As soon as we find evidence based or advanced practice mugs be sure we will share them.
Knuckling Cracking Research – Not a Popping Bubble, But Gas Cavity Creation
Three Chiropractors on the Research Team
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 23, 2015
New research partially funded by the Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) documents with MRI images the source of the audible portion of cracking a knuckle.
Throw away your idea of an existing bubble popping and replace it with a new gas cavity being formed, called tribonucleation. Tribonucleation occurs when opposing surfaces resist separation until a critical point where they separate quickly creating a sustained gas cavity. The journal PLoS ONE in January published Real-Time Visualization of Joint Cavitation which details how the gas cavity forms in the synovial fluid.
Chiropractors love joint noises, so it seems very fitting that three of the researchers hold a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Greg Kawchuk, DC, BSc, MSc, PhD, currently holds the position of Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta and Chair of the Research Council for the World Federation of Chiropractic. He explains in interviews that knuckle cracking does not harm the joints and hope this research fosters the development of a greater understanding of osteoarthritis and other degenerative joint diseases.
Dr. Jerome Fryer spends most days as a Chiropractor in Nanaimo British Columbia when not conducting research. He not only helped in the creation of the joint cavitation study, but also served as the test subject. Dr. Fryer has probably heard his share of pull my finger jokes as he was positioned prone in the MRI with a string attached to his fingers and had to convey when his joints popped for the study. It is his MCPs in the pictures.
Most Chiropractors should recognize the third Chiropractic researcher on the study, also a Chiropractic radiology legend, Lindsay Rowe, DC, MD, DACBR. He is the co-author of Essentials of Skeletal Radiology (Yochum & Rowe). Dr. Rowe currently serves as Associate Professor of Diagnostic Radiology for the University of Newcastle in Newcastle, Australia and Adjunct Professor for the School of Chiropractic at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia.
This rest of the academically diverse research team of professors from the University of Albert included: an MD/PhD radiologist, a material science and biomedical engineer. The video created for the experiment has almost gone viral with almost 900,000 views.
Historic Day for Chiropractic Unity
Breaking Chiropractic News Announcement:
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 01, 2015
All of the Chiropractic Colleges and Chiropractic Associations have signed an agreement to work together to promote the Chiropractic Profession.
Happy April Fools!
Sorry to get your Chiropractic hopes up. Maybe someday we will have a unified profession that strives to educate the world about the benefits of chiropractic treatment without undermining and lobbying against their fellow DC.
Is Big Brother Canada Ready for a Chiropractor in the House?
Dr. Naeha Sareen Chosen as a Houseguest for Big Brother Canada Season 3
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: March 23, 2015
Doctor of Chiropractic Naeha Sareen joins the reality show cast of 16 for Big Brother Canada season 3. Big Brother TV series displays a voyeuristic view of a group of random contestants, called houseguests, over a 3 month period, isolated in a house under constant video surveillance. The house guests are given activates, games to play for rewards, punishments, and a weekly vote for a leader and to evict someone from the house.
The show’s name comes from and is loosely based on the concept of George Orwell's1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Originally a Dutch television show, it has aired in France and to much success in the US. The grand prize winner this eason collects a $100,000 check, a $25,000 gift card from The Brick, and a $10,000 vacation.
Big Brother Canada Season 3 media descriptions for 29 year old Dr. Naeha Sareen have included: spunky Chiropractor, entrepreneur, very successful, intellectual threat, and confident. In BBC3 interviews she claims to have a strong personality and appears confident in her ability to navigate through Big Brother 3 to the end. Showmances, reality show romances, are out of the question for her and she believes Canada needs to see a strong woman player.
Before her reality fame Dr. Sareen graduated from the University of Waterloo and Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. She practices Chiropractic and acupuncture at the multidisciplinary practice A Healing Place in Brampton Ontario. Beside life as a Canadian Chiropractor Naeha Sareen, DC owns Indulgence Truffles an online specialty truffle shop that specializes in wedding and holiday gifts.
Watch Dr. Naeha Sareen on Canadian Big Brother Season 3 on Global TV Monday nights at 8pm starting March 23, 2015
Good Luck Dr. Naeha Sareen, make the Chiropractic profession proud.
Chiropractic Poses Less Risk Than Primary Visit - New Research
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 18, 2015
The February 2015 issue of Spine contains a research study from the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice by James M. Whedon, MS DC, Reed Phillips, DC, PhD and colleges comparing the risk of injury in Medicare patients following chiropractic spinal manipulation versus primary care visits.
The study evaluated Medicare data for 2007 tracking patients with a neuromusculoskeletal complaint that visited a chiropractor or primary care physician for the condition. Within seven days of treatment the researchers measured the risk of injury of patients treated by chiropractors with spinal manipulation versus patients assessed by a primary care physician.
Their results demonstrated a lower risk of injury in the population that was treated by chiropractors. The cumulative probability of injury in the chiropractic group was over three times less likely than the primary doctor group. 40 injury incidents per 100,000 subjects for the Doctors of Chiropractic group compared with 153 incidents per 100,000 subjects in the primary medical recipients.
The abstract and full study can be viewed in Spine.
Whedon, James M., Mackenzie, Todd A., Phillips, Reed B., Lurie, Jon D.(2015) Risk of Traumatic Injury Associated With Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation in Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Aged 66 to 99 Years. Spine, 4Risk of Traumatic Injury Associated With Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation in Medicare Part B Beneficiaries Aged 66 to 99 Years. Spine, 40(4):264-270
James Whedon, DC MS holds a Doctor of Chiropractic from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1989 and a M.S in Health Services Research from Dartmouth College in 2012. He currently serves as an instructor in the Dartmouth Institute; health care research analyst, accountable care organization support, and trauma registrar at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Dr. Whedon has published extensively on topics in Medicare and chiropractic, spine trauma and integrative medicine.
Dr. Reed Phillips, DC, PhD Received his Doctor of Chiropractic from the National College of Chiropractic in 1973 and a Diplomate from the American Board of Chiropractic Radiology in 1976. He also obtained an MSc in Community Medicine and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Utah School of Medicine. During his professional career he has served as Director of Research at the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research and President of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic from 1990 – 2008. Dr. Phillips writings include over 60 book chapters and numerous articles in peer-reviewed publications.
Move Over Orlando and Las Vegas, Tampa is the New Hot Spot for Chiropractic CEs
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 16, 2015
Many Chiropractors turn their need for continuing education and advancing their professional knowledge into a chance to travel. Every year dozens of Chiropractic seminars and conventions have taken up residence for a few days in Las Vegas and even more in theme park USA Orlando offering a chance for Chiropractors to learn while on vacation.
What happens in Vegas at Parker, Prosport, Gratson and Dr. PGA stays in Vegas. Mickey, Minnie Universal, FCA National Convention, FCS, Kinesio Tape and Body Zone can all be found in Orlando this year. In 2015 look out, Tampa Florida is hosting enough Chiropractic Seminars in three months to feed all of your vacation and Chiropractic educational needs.
The FCPA Thunder in Tampa Bay Convention starts the CE season hosted by the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association on February 21st to 22nd. An amazing 20 hours of chiro credits in more than 30 states will be offered over 2 days with 3-4 classes to choose from at a time. This advanced practice event will also include dozens of chiropractic vendors and an after party to socialize with other Chiropractic Physicians. This will be the FCPA’s first event in Tampa with previous seminars in Orlando and South Florida, not to mention Las Vegas next year.
Keep an eye out for CE Cruncher’s booth #31 at the FCPA’s Tampa Convention near the enterance. Stop by and meet our CEO Amy Tirpak, DC and receive a personalized Facebook post for your chiropractic practice. Also check out FCPA's vendor Soleve's, noninvasive targeted neurostimulation, offer of a free exam/treatment table to the first five units sold at the convention, a $2500 value.
Standard Process on April 25th 2015 offers Trekking the Hormone Jungle in Tampa at the Westshore Marriott. An interesting look at nutrition and hormone imbalances in a one day 8 hour seminar with credits applied for DACBNs. Dr. Michael Greer will cover cortisol, thyroid dysfunction, testosterone and men’s health along with understanding cholesterol. Presented by Standard Process of Central Florida with expectations that the event will sell out early.
The list continues with the politically independent Florida Chiropractic Conferences Tampa Bay event Feb 28th to March 1st and Nutri-West of Florida’s Muscle Response Testing March 7th to 8th 2015.
Need more reasons to travel to Tampa for your Chiropractic Continuing Education?
- Average day-time temperatures: 70s to 80s.
- After a quick search of flights to Tampa, CE Cruncher found fares under $200 round trip from:
Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Dallas, Cleveland, Chicago, DC, Detroit, and New Jersey.
- Tampa offers renowned museums, a vibrant zoo, Busch Gardens, exciting nightlife, a local food and micro brew scene, and the longest continuous sidewalk in the US (a great place for a run or stroll along the water)
Our bragging about Tampa comes honestly, CE Cruncher’s headquarters are located in the city.
Planning on a trip to Tampa for Chiropractic Continuing Education? Email us for our exclusive Places to See in Tampa list compiled by our fun and eclectic staff.
Ready for the 23rd Annual Sports and Fitness Symposium with Arnold?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 16, 2015
Amazingly the ICA Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science has packed one symposium with Chiropractic Continuing Education, celebrity athletes, fitness experts, renowned Chiropractic speakers, post event marketing packet, photo opportunities and a keynote speech from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The health, fitness and chiropractic extravaganza starts March 5th and continues through the 7th at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel in in Columbus Ohio.
The ICA Symposium on Natural Fitness and Sports offers insights on fitness and sports case-management, practical applications of training strategies, injury prevention, empowering women in sports and natural performance enhancement. Scheduled speakers include: Drs. Terry Yochum, John Downes, Pete Gratale, Jack Barnathan, Ruth Cohen, Jay Lipoff, and Chris Zaino, Life University Championship Coach Dan Payne.
Chiropractic imaging expert Terry Yochum, DC, DACBR will offer a presentation on Imaging Priorities and Clinical Implications for Lower Back and Lower Extremities. His seminar course will offer imaging and case management insights, highlighting interactive clinical concerns with sports activities and stresses on the lower back and lower extremities.
One of the goals of the ICA SNFS includes special patient-population strategies with sports and injury management. To achieve this objective Ruth Cohen DC, CFT, CKTP, FMS and Daniella Abruzzo, MA, CFT, MFD are scheduled to present: Empowering Female Patients/Fitness Clients: Integrating Key Components with Athletic Training and Competition. This course encompasses injuries issues for women and deconditioned patients, supportive and rehabilitative resources, along with clinical case reviews involving care coordination with other health care providers.
Sports minded Chiropractors can participate in integrated events including courses featuring health and fitness icons: Espn’s host and fitness expert Kiana Tom, champion bodybuilder Rick Valente, Master Chef Don Doward, and master of fitness design Daniella Abruzzo. The weekend also incorporates exhibitors each morning during the free continental breakfast, lunch and sponsored refreshment breaks.
Beyond the Chiropractic lectures the ICA SNFS offers unprecedented opportunities for sporting events and social events with celebrity athletes and fitness professionals. This Chiropractic symposium is held in tandem with the Arnold Sports Festival Weekend. Registation to the ICA SNFS includes entry to the Arnold Champions & Legends Sunday Morning Showcase, Arnold Sports Festival Weekend Expo and much more.
Deluxe and Premium packages provide exclusive events, premium seating, increased celebrity encounters and enhanced marketing pieces. Special pricing for ICA, Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science members, Chiropractic students, fitness trainers and family member are available. Chiropractic Continuing Education sponsored by Life West. The ICA Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science has an unforgettable weekend of action packed Chiropractic and Sports planned. Are you ready?
Follow #ICASport2015 and CE Cruncher for updates, pictures and the latest details about the ICA Sport Symposium.