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Australian Chiropractor Alex Goodhart Just Wanted a Sign

  • DrTirpak

    Poster Profile:

    Name: DrTirpak
    Age: ????
    Location: Tampa, FL
    Position: Owner
    Sign: Gemini

    Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
    Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.

by: DrTirpak posted: May 30, 2012

Australian Chiropractor Alex Goodhart

Chiropractor Dr. Alex Goodhart just wanted a sign to promote his office Beachside Chiropractic in Hervey Bay QLD Australia. When he purchased the property for his office, a former display home, he was reassured that he could keep the existing signage that was on the home.

Dr. Goodhart stated, "I asked to retain the signage and the town planner said they had no objection."

Unfortunately after he moved in and applied for a business liscense, the town council explained the billboard had to come down before he would receive approval. A sign of 1 meter squared is all that would be allowed.

So the Chiropractor got creative, he purchased a double-decker bus to use as a mobile clinic and covered the side with a colorful ad wrap for his business.

Prior to this he contacted the Fraser Coast Regional Council and asked if there was any problem parking a bus with advertising in front of his business. The council claimed that they did not have jurisdiction over graphics on cars, that belongs to the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Dr Goodhart was to told by DTMR that as long as the graphics were acceptable under Australian advertising standards it would not be a  problem.

"Council believes that in this case the bus is being used as a sign rather than a vehicle because it is set up in such a way with landscaping that it cannot be easily driven to and from the site, and only the side of the bus facing Boat Harbour Dr has been signwritten," the council's executive manager regulatory services Andy Gaze.

Filed Under Tags:  Chiropractic Colleges  ·  Chiropractors


Dear Dr Goodhart,Well done. Love the signage, Dr John kyneur,Haberfield Chiropractic(in Sydney)
by: Dr John Kyneur

Comment on Australian Chiropractor Alex Goodhart Just Wanted a Sign

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