Chiropractic Seminar Highlight: Dr. Dan Murphy – Nutritional Basics in Tampa
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 04, 2013
Chiropractic Seminar Highlight: Dr. Dan Murphy – Nutritional Basics in Tampa FL Sept 7 - 8, 2013
Dan Murphy DC sponsored by Nutri-West of Florida will be presenting 12 Chiropractic Continuing Education Hours on Nutritional Basics. The seminar will cover he impact of nutrition on pathoneurology, cardiovascular function and immune response.
He will discuss chiropractic clinical management of trauma, pain, degeneration and mobility. Focused case management approaches including neurological components of care will be a topic included in the course. Chiropractors will learn the effects of excitotoxins, food additives and neurodegenerative disease processes, along with the influence of essential fatty acids on pain, joint degeneration and brain structure and function. Dr. Murphy will even explain the relationship of ratios between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids.
The cost for Doctors of Chiropractic is $245 and Chiropractic Students $150
This Chiropractic Nutrition Seminar is sponsored by Nutri-West of Floirda and will be held at Tampa Marriott Westshore