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Chiropractor Dr. Neil Spanier Created a New Posture App

  • DrTirpak

    Poster Profile:

    Name: DrTirpak
    Age: ????
    Location: Tampa, FL
    Position: Owner
    Sign: Gemini

    Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
    Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.

by: DrTirpak posted: April 30, 2012

Chiropractor Dr Neil Spanier Check Me Out App

Chiropractor Dr. Neil Spanier  created a new posture analysis tool app. He had the idea 30 years ago to see the reflection of a reflection, so you could view yourself not as a mirror image. When accessing a patient’s posture he claims it prevents them from leaning or cheating.  Using the Check ME Out APP the patient can keep track of their posture, head tilt, and high shoulder without having to view a reversed image.

Dr. Spanier’s website claims the app is a new and improved mirror, because it fixes the inversion that occurs with a reflection from a normal mirror. Currently the app is available on Google Play and is under development for the apple platforms for use on the Ipad and Iphone.


Check Me Out (Posture Analyzer) is now available on iTunes. We were approved by Apple on September 5, 2012.
by: neil spanier

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