Dr. Merkle: Keynote Speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology Seoul, Korea
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: May 28, 2019

Dr. Van Merkle was recently the keynote speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology in Seoul, Korea.About 250 oncologists, researchers, and other medical doctors were in attendance. The audience included renowned doctors that traveled from China for the event: Dr. Jin Zhe, M.D. (urologist, professor at Peking University, in the elder care division); Dr. Zhang Jinping, (chair/director of 300 elder care hospitals in China - which covers approximately 100 million people); Dr. Seo Jungbok, O.M.D (K.M.D) vice president in DaeJung Elder Care Hospital in China; Dr. Fu Ping, (chairman of the Chinese Clinical Nutrition Association); Dr. Kim Kyungah, M.D. (G.P) team doctor of DaeJung Hospital, Korea; Dr. Park Minsoo, M.D. (G.P.) one of the most renown TV star doctors in Korea.
Interpreters were helpful, but many doctors from China and Korea were medically trained using English textbooks and speak English fairly well. South Koreans can receive a free, fairly comprehensive blood test every 2 years through the government health plan. There is great potential for natural oriented doctors to use lab testing in their nutrition practice, which is why Dr. Merkle was invited to speak. Dr. Merkle spoke on laboratory testing and nutrition. He also discussed how serious problems sometimes have simple, safe, natural solutions. Maybe a week or 2 of trying a safe, natural, option might show dramatic laboratory results even in advanced cancer cases.
Dr. Merkle presented several of his own cases, showing the validity of nutrition backed up with laboratory testing. Dr. Merkle’s presentation was enthusiastically received. Many doctors wanted pictures with him and he received several very nice gifts. Dr. Merkle also presented certificates to 26 doctors of the first class trained in Korea using Dr. Merkle’s Science Based Nutrition (SBN) system. The class took the doctors a year to complete and was held by a South Korean doctor that has been using SBN for approximately 10 years. It has taken a long time to develop the SBN system and translate the reports into Korean. Dr. Merkle was asked to travel to China, Dubai and Singapore and back to South Korea to lecture and train doctors on more natural care, as well as options for cancer and elder care, some of the most pressing and costly health problems.
Dr. Merkle said, “Speaking at the oncology conference was very exciting. I also ate some great food and visited beautiful national landmarks but most importantly, I made some very good friends. I look forward to returning.”
Dr. Van D. Merkle DABCI, DCBCN, CCN, is an August 1982 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He is board certified in clinical nutrition and a board certified clinical internist, who has practiced in Centerville, Ohio for over 35 years. He is the founder, developer and president of Science Based Nutrition (SBN) - a laboratory and nutrition, patented computer analysis system. He has been the host of the talk show Take 2 Healthcare on WHIO 95.7 FM every Saturday 11AM to noon for over 25 years in Dayton Ohio. Dr. Van Merkle also contributed his talents and resources to the Chiropractic Online Nutrition Diplomate Program, teaching courses on lab testing and immunity.
Florida Aims To Add Injectable Nutrients For Chiropractors
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: March 05, 2019

A bill has been introduced into the Florida Senate this week to allow chiropractors the ability to administer injectable nutrients. Senate Bill 1078 was introduced today by Florida senator Jeff Brandes, Republican from St. Petersburg Florida. The bill states:
An act relating to chiropractic medicine; amending s. 460.403, F.S.; authorizing chiropractic physicians who have completed specified training to administer articles of natural origin; authorizing licensed pharmacists to fill such chiropractors’ orders for articles of natural origin;
The legislation also calls for an additional 36-hour training course for chiropractors to be able to participate. The bill includes a list of substances that can be administered: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, saline, anti-oxidants, dextrose, glandulars, cellular components, extracts, water, botanicals, phytonutrients, and homeopathics, and may administer medical oxygen.
It is too soon to tell what will happen with this chiropractic scope expanding bill, the legislative session starts March 5th and lasts for 60 days. The bill has a long road ahead before passage. It first would need to make it out of the committee, where public hearings and amendments may be offered, vote on the senate floor, another in the state house and approval from the governor.
The political flames are already starting to roar among Florida's chiropractic associations. The senate bill has its origins with the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association and is not supported by the other two state Chiropractic associations. With dueling lobbyists and competing agendas of the Florida Chiropractic Associating and Florida Chiropractic Society, the fate of this bill will be up in the air for a while.
If Florida’s Chiropractic scope of practice is expanded with this bill Chiropractors in the state would join a progressive movement in the profession working on expanding services. Numerous western states (New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho) have added expanded rights including injectables in the last few years. In Oklahoma chiropractors have had the authority to be certified to give vitamin and mineral shots to patients for over 40 years.
This is not the FCPA’s first attempt at passing a bill covering injectables for DCs. In 2001 the organization pushed similar legislation that was met with public discord from the International Chiropractors Association (ICA). The previous attempt was not successful.
For a brief time, chiropractors in Florida starting in 1985 were allowed to withdraw blood for diagnostic purposes and certified DCs could use proprietary drugs. Close to a 100 Chiropractors in Florida still have the designation on their license. Will history repeat itself or will everything stay status quo? Check back for updates on this issue and more Chiropractic News.
Sign Up For Oklahaven's Have-A-Heart Fundraiser 2019
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: November 09, 2018

Each year, Valentine’s Week, the non-profit “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center asks chiropractors and chiropractic students to join forces to help severely injured children by participating in the Oklahaven’s Have-A-Heart Campaign. Hundreds of chiropractors and students in the US and around the world have raised the much-needed funds for “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center as part of their annual Have-A-Heart Campaign.
The Have-A-Heart Campaign, not only benefits “Oklahaven,” it brings awareness to chiropractic patients and the general public about the benefits of chiropractic for the children. Signing up to participate is free; it includes a fundraising kit and instructions on how to implement. Joining the campaign is simple and easy. Many chiropractic practices show the Children’s Journeys to Health video (included in the fundraising kit) in their lobby and offer fundraising hearts to purchase. Others have used the promotional materials provided to host educational events, raffles and open houses to showcase the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care.
“Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center has quietly served the children for 57 years. Pediatric patients with neurologically disorganization, nursing difficulties, developmental delays, autistic spectrum, cerebral palsy, failure to thrive and many other conditions have been successfully treated at the Center with chiropractic.
When asked why he participated in “Oklahaven’s” Have-A-Heart Campaign five-time Golden Heart Winner, Dr. Howard Berg, said, “It allows the community to see that you do contribute to something greater and that chiropractic makes a difference in children’s lives. That’s huge.”
Chiropractors that have participated in the program have stated that the Have-A-Heart Campaign creates a positive perception of chiropractic in their community and most importantly the satisfaction of helping the tiniest of patients that are most in need. Stepping up to the challenge requires interested chiropractors to fill out an online form and free fundraising packets are mailed in January. Every year “Oklahaven” strives to promote the Have-A-Heart Campaign to a larger audience through word of mouth, Chiropractic publications, organizations, digital and social media with the ultimate goal of helping more children with chiropractic.
Access to Chiropractic in Vermont is Now A Little Easier
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: October 03, 2018

Way To Go Vermont!
Vermonters will soon see parity with health insurance co-payments between chiropractors and primary care. Thanks to the resent passage of bill S.1, in 2019 the Vermont Health Exchange will offer health insurance plans with much lower co-pays for DCs, previously in the $70-$90 range. Motivation for the legislature to pass the bill and for the governor to sign it, came from the Vermont Chiropractic Association’s (VCA) lobbying efforts promoting chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal injuries as an alternative to opioid prescriptions.
See the Vermont Chiropractic Association (VCA) press release for more information
Ohio Chiropractor Swings Onto the Golf Channel Competition TV Show
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 10, 2018

What Do Golf Drivers and Chiropractic Have in Common? Scott Haack, DC
Oct 2 starts the reality contest tv show Driver vs. Driver on the Golf Channel. One of the talented 14 finalists chosen for the television show is Chiropractor Scott Haack. The second season of the show follows aspiring golf equipment designers as they compete for the opportunity to develop a driver golf club for the sporting goods company Wilson. Viewers can follow the contestants from sketches to prototypes as they are critiqued by professional golfers and other celebrities. One well designed club creator will take home a quarter of a million dollars and will see their final design available in golf stores around the world.
How did a Chiropractor end up on the show? Dr. Scott Haack has not only practiced as a DC, but turned his knowledge into a career as a medical device inventor and sport gear developer. In the golf arena he has already developed a putter, a hand free bag cart, and a golf training aid (Medicus CoreLinks keeps golfers arms pressed to their sides, that improves accuracy and prevents an "over the top" swing).
Scott Haack, DC, a 1998 Logan College of Chiropractic (Logan University) graduate, has a keen knack of seeing a problem and inventing the solution. After noticing structural and functional issues of the unequal weight distribution from carrying a heavy golf bag, he created Bakrol, a device that allows golfers a hands-free golf bag carrier. His successful inventions have spanned numerous industries: SoftTouch seatbelt device by Pressure Products, Inc., ALTAIR Force timepiece, Histolock resection device and the Moray EUS Microforceps by US Endoscopy. Now he has now turned his attention not only to his own creative creations, but helping others do the same. Chiro Pro Inc, Dr. Haack’s company, offers consulting from product conception, patenting, to retailing for new inventors.
Watch to Golf Channel October 2nd at 9:00pm EST
That Do You Do After You Win Your Biggest Tennis Title?
Thank Your Chiropractor
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 12, 2018

The Miami Open just concluded with a stellar win by John Isner over Alexander Zverev. At 32, this is John Isners most prestigious win on the court. Exuberant and visibly weathered by the match he gave a heartfelt victory speech following the game showing immense gratitude to this opponent and those closest to him. One person that stood out in his praise was his Chiropractor of 6 years Dr. Clint Cordial.
"Clint is my Chiropractor. You know I am almost 7 feet tall and 32 years old. It takes a lot to keep me on the court," proclaimed the champion. John Isner according to baseline also remarked "It's not anything that he did this week. It's what he's done through the course of the six years that we have been together." "And I have been very healthy for six years, as well, I will knock on wood. That is in large part to him: adjusting, putting this machine on me, or massage. It's everything. There is so much that goes into it."
The 2009 Palmer grad is not new to the professional sports arena having worked with tennis pros and NFL players. Dedicated to sports chiropractic, he holds a CCSP (Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician from the ACBSP) and a Masters Degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Western States University The previous six years Dr. Cordial has been working exclusively with the some of top American tennis players on tour.
Watch the video of the speech at Baseline
Have A Heart Campaign Starts Soon For Oklahaven
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: January 12, 2018

CE Cruncher is excited to announce our participation in the 2018 Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center's Have A Heart Campaign. During Valentine’s Week, February 7-14, 2018 chiropractic colleges, hundreds of chiropractic clinics, and many other advocacy groups around the world are planning fundraisers for the non-profit Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center by conducting a national “Have-A-Heart” Campaign.
Participating Chiropractic practices can sign up at Oklahaven's website to receive a free packet of flyers, donation hearts, press release and an explanatory video. During the week of Feb 7-14, 2018 Chiropractic clinics are encouraged to create fun and informative events for the event raising awareness about Oklahaven and the benefits of Chiropractic for children. A great way to promote healthy children, your practice and Chiropractic.
Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was founded in 1962. The Center specializes in the very sick and neurologically-damaged children who suffer from a multitude of neurological problems including: birth trauma, nursing difficulties, colic, intestinal problems, allergies, asthma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, developmental delays, ADHD through the Autism spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome, and a general failure to thrive, just to name a few. Children coming to Oklahaven from around the world experience dramatic results and an improved quality of life.
The children Oklahaven serves range from newborn infants to teens. Most who come to the Center have run the gamut of traditional medicine. Their parents have lost hope and they have often been told their children will not recover. Yet Oklahaven has helped thousands regain their health and live productive lives through the practice of Chiropractic and by teaching their families how to support their children through natural health.
The “Have-A-Heart” week brings awareness of the power of Chiropractic for children while helping very sick and neurologically hurt children receive the care that they need.
“Our dream of healthy children is alive and attainable as more parents embrace the Chiropractic way of life”, said Dr. Bobby Doscher Chiropractic Director of Oklahaven . “It is more important now than ever to ensure true health and well being for our children - both this generation and generations to come.”
Those who have benefitted from chiropractic are encouraged to make a contribution at participating chiropractic clinics. The Annual “Have-A-Heart” Campaign enables Oklahaven to continue its 56-year history of hope and healing to the children, without state, federal or United Way funding, only relying on the generosity of people and organizations that believe in a natural way of life.
CE Cruncher is donating advertising opportunities, social media marketing and email campaigns to help generate greater awareness of this amazing campaign benefiting Oklahaven Children's Chiropractic Center and bringing greater awareness of chiropractic treatment for all children.
Sign up your Chiropractic practice to participate in Have A Heart
Donate online or send a tax-deductible gift to:
Oklahaven Children’s Chiropractic Center
4500 N. Meridian
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Oklahoma Chiropractor Rescues Woman and Child
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: May 16, 2017

Dr. Jeremiah Chai, a Chiropractor and good samaritan, rescued a woman and her child after their vehicle ended up in a lake. On his way home after dropping his daughter off at school Dr. Chai viewed a SUV almost 35 feet from the shore of Sahoma Lake. Relying on his rescue training as a life guard, he retrieved the family and brought them safely to shore. The mother swerved to avoid an accident and ended up in the lake and both are doing fine since the accident.
A 2014 graduate of Parker University, Dr.Jeremiah Chai is a second generation chiropractor practicing with his father Dr. Kim Chai at the Back and Neck Clinic of Sapulpa. Sapulpa is a small suburb southwest of Tulsa Oklahoma.
Chiropractor Eliminated from DOT Physicals in New York
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 04, 2016

When New York Chiropractors certified to do DOT physicals received a letter saying that they would be removed from the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners Doctors of Chiropractic in New York and across the country wanted answers. An alphabet soup of agency, registries and organizations are all part of this frustrating puzzle with no quick fix in sight.
As of June 1st 2016 New York Chiropractors are no longer able to provide DOT physicals and have been classified on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) list as not currently certified, compliments of the New York State Board of Chiropractic.
The New York State Board of Chiropractic decided to reverse their opinion on DOT physicals that had been in place for over 10 years late last year. On September 24th of 2015 the New York State Board of Chiropractic sent letters to New York Chiropractors on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) list explaining that DOT physicals were, “beyond the scope of chiropractic practice as defined under New York State law.” To make matters worse they also stated that it would take a legislative decision to expand the scope of practice. The Chiropractic board's decision resulted from strong arming by the New York State Education Department, no member of the Chiropractic Board signed the letter.
The history behind this controversy starts in 2005 when the New York State Board of Chiropractic sent a statement to the FMCSA through the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) that the components of the DOT physical exam were within the scope of practice of Chiropractors in New York. In 2014 the FMCSA created the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners requiring all providers to pass a national exam to become certified and listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. Federal and New York State law supports Chiropractors inclusion in the NRCME. 48 DCs in New York were listed as providers and performed over 30,000 exams before being removed this June. Currently hundreds of Chiropractors across the country are certified and conducting DOT exams on truck drivers every day.
Currently challenges are being made to return New York Chiropractors to the NRCME list by petitioning the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration over the procedures of their recent ruling. Other options include having the New York State Board of Chiropractic reversing their decision or a legislative change to the chiropractic practice act.
The New York State Chiropractic Association is also working on changing the state practice act part of their agenda this year. They want to add a number of law changes to expand the scope of chiropractors in New York. The changes include the ability to diagnose and differentially diagnose, along with the examine; which includes stand-alone examinations such as those required for DOT exams, school sports physicals, scoliosis screenings, and more. Without changes the ability of Chiropractors in New York to perform any type of physical exam beyond the spine could come into question. Medicare and Insurance carriers could question a Doctor of Chiropractic's ability under the New York scope to provide exams and treatment.
Fortunately for New York Chiropractors and DOT certified DCs nationwide the Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition (SDSRC) stepped up to battle this fight. This 501 (c)6, formed by a group of dedicated DOT educators and certified Chiropractors that want to protect, defend and expand the rights of chiropractors in their participation in the performance of DOT physicals. They believe maintaining Chiropractors on the national registry will allow truckers and the trucking industry greater access and lower costs for exams.
The trucking industry agrees with the SDSRC. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) sent a letter to the New York State Board for Chiropractic asking them to reconsider their decision and that they shouldn’t make truck drivers’ lives any more difficult.
A larger battle could be brewing in other states based on the New York situation. According to the SDSRC, they believe challenges in Connecticut over DOT physicals two years ago from the Connecticut Medical Association, Connecticut Orthopedic Medical Society and other groups could be part of a strategy to eliminate Chiropractors state by state. After recent online statements on an industry list serve they fear theses attacks are being fueled by a few medical doctors in the transportation industry.
Extra Opinion: After having the opportunity to meet with Dr. David Thorpe of the the Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition last weekend I understand the potential set backs that face the entire Chiropractic profession. The real problems generated from this biased attack against Chiropractors in New York and others in recent years, namely in Connecticut and Texas, shows with legal and administrative challenges to state laws can eliminate the ability to provide school physicals, order and perform diagnostic tests, receive and accept referrals, plus much more. The right to practice is being eroded by malicious factions using the state chiropractic practice acts against DCs.
Today they are coming for New York DOT Exams, who will be next? It is time for Chiropractors to stand up and demand to practice to the extent of their education. The Safe Drivers, Safe Road Coalition (SDSRC) wants to defend Chiropractors across the US and is asking for help. Donate to the SDSRC
Move Over Orlando and Las Vegas, Tampa is the New Hot Spot for Chiropractic CEs
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 16, 2015
Many Chiropractors turn their need for continuing education and advancing their professional knowledge into a chance to travel. Every year dozens of Chiropractic seminars and conventions have taken up residence for a few days in Las Vegas and even more in theme park USA Orlando offering a chance for Chiropractors to learn while on vacation.
What happens in Vegas at Parker, Prosport, Gratson and Dr. PGA stays in Vegas. Mickey, Minnie Universal, FCA National Convention, FCS, Kinesio Tape and Body Zone can all be found in Orlando this year. In 2015 look out, Tampa Florida is hosting enough Chiropractic Seminars in three months to feed all of your vacation and Chiropractic educational needs.
The FCPA Thunder in Tampa Bay Convention starts the CE season hosted by the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association on February 21st to 22nd. An amazing 20 hours of chiro credits in more than 30 states will be offered over 2 days with 3-4 classes to choose from at a time. This advanced practice event will also include dozens of chiropractic vendors and an after party to socialize with other Chiropractic Physicians. This will be the FCPA’s first event in Tampa with previous seminars in Orlando and South Florida, not to mention Las Vegas next year.
Keep an eye out for CE Cruncher’s booth #31 at the FCPA’s Tampa Convention near the enterance. Stop by and meet our CEO Amy Tirpak, DC and receive a personalized Facebook post for your chiropractic practice. Also check out FCPA's vendor Soleve's, noninvasive targeted neurostimulation, offer of a free exam/treatment table to the first five units sold at the convention, a $2500 value.
Standard Process on April 25th 2015 offers Trekking the Hormone Jungle in Tampa at the Westshore Marriott. An interesting look at nutrition and hormone imbalances in a one day 8 hour seminar with credits applied for DACBNs. Dr. Michael Greer will cover cortisol, thyroid dysfunction, testosterone and men’s health along with understanding cholesterol. Presented by Standard Process of Central Florida with expectations that the event will sell out early.
The list continues with the politically independent Florida Chiropractic Conferences Tampa Bay event Feb 28th to March 1st and Nutri-West of Florida’s Muscle Response Testing March 7th to 8th 2015.
Need more reasons to travel to Tampa for your Chiropractic Continuing Education?
- Average day-time temperatures: 70s to 80s.
- After a quick search of flights to Tampa, CE Cruncher found fares under $200 round trip from:
Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Dallas, Cleveland, Chicago, DC, Detroit, and New Jersey.
- Tampa offers renowned museums, a vibrant zoo, Busch Gardens, exciting nightlife, a local food and micro brew scene, and the longest continuous sidewalk in the US (a great place for a run or stroll along the water)
Our bragging about Tampa comes honestly, CE Cruncher’s headquarters are located in the city.
Planning on a trip to Tampa for Chiropractic Continuing Education? Email us for our exclusive Places to See in Tampa list compiled by our fun and eclectic staff.
Ready for the 23rd Annual Sports and Fitness Symposium with Arnold?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 16, 2015
Amazingly the ICA Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science has packed one symposium with Chiropractic Continuing Education, celebrity athletes, fitness experts, renowned Chiropractic speakers, post event marketing packet, photo opportunities and a keynote speech from Arnold Schwarzenegger. The health, fitness and chiropractic extravaganza starts March 5th and continues through the 7th at the Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel in in Columbus Ohio.
The ICA Symposium on Natural Fitness and Sports offers insights on fitness and sports case-management, practical applications of training strategies, injury prevention, empowering women in sports and natural performance enhancement. Scheduled speakers include: Drs. Terry Yochum, John Downes, Pete Gratale, Jack Barnathan, Ruth Cohen, Jay Lipoff, and Chris Zaino, Life University Championship Coach Dan Payne.
Chiropractic imaging expert Terry Yochum, DC, DACBR will offer a presentation on Imaging Priorities and Clinical Implications for Lower Back and Lower Extremities. His seminar course will offer imaging and case management insights, highlighting interactive clinical concerns with sports activities and stresses on the lower back and lower extremities.
One of the goals of the ICA SNFS includes special patient-population strategies with sports and injury management. To achieve this objective Ruth Cohen DC, CFT, CKTP, FMS and Daniella Abruzzo, MA, CFT, MFD are scheduled to present: Empowering Female Patients/Fitness Clients: Integrating Key Components with Athletic Training and Competition. This course encompasses injuries issues for women and deconditioned patients, supportive and rehabilitative resources, along with clinical case reviews involving care coordination with other health care providers.
Sports minded Chiropractors can participate in integrated events including courses featuring health and fitness icons: Espn’s host and fitness expert Kiana Tom, champion bodybuilder Rick Valente, Master Chef Don Doward, and master of fitness design Daniella Abruzzo. The weekend also incorporates exhibitors each morning during the free continental breakfast, lunch and sponsored refreshment breaks.
Beyond the Chiropractic lectures the ICA SNFS offers unprecedented opportunities for sporting events and social events with celebrity athletes and fitness professionals. This Chiropractic symposium is held in tandem with the Arnold Sports Festival Weekend. Registation to the ICA SNFS includes entry to the Arnold Champions & Legends Sunday Morning Showcase, Arnold Sports Festival Weekend Expo and much more.
Deluxe and Premium packages provide exclusive events, premium seating, increased celebrity encounters and enhanced marketing pieces. Special pricing for ICA, Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science members, Chiropractic students, fitness trainers and family member are available. Chiropractic Continuing Education sponsored by Life West. The ICA Council on Fitness and Sports Health Science has an unforgettable weekend of action packed Chiropractic and Sports planned. Are you ready?
Follow #ICASport2015 and CE Cruncher for updates, pictures and the latest details about the ICA Sport Symposium.
Chiropractic Internet Find of the Week
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 09, 2015
Every day the staff of CE Cruncher scours the internet in search of the latest and greatest advances, news, products and happening in the Chiropractic Profession. Funny pictures, Chiropractic college happenings, research and of course continuing education are usually the extent of our finds. Today we came across an interesting gem while searching through the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine that we just had to share.
The State Archive of Florida has in their possession two striking photographs of B.J. Palmer posing shirtless. On December 1, 1955 B.J. posed for the accomplished American commercial photographer Joseph Janney Steinmetz. Both renowned men were residents of Sarasota Florida and supporters of the nearby Ringling Circus.
The description in the archive explains that the images served as a reference for an Atlanta sculptor to use while creating a bronze bust of B.J. Palmer. The Developer of Chiropractic’s likeness has been immortalized countless times in various media. The closest resemblance that we could find to the pictures are his bust in Heritage Courtyard on the Davenport campus of Palmer College of Chiropractic.
Reproduction of the images are available from the State Archive of Florida. For a glimpse into the B.J. Palmer’s history his home in home Sarasota Florida offers tours and rentals and accepts donation to support the preservation of historical property.
CE Cruncher's 2014 Year in Review - Chiropractic Continuing Education, News and Humor
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: January 02, 2015
CE Cruncher compiled all of the stats from 2014 with amazing results. We wanted to know more about what sparks a Chiropractor’s interest. Chiropractors are eager to learn, have busy lives and have a need for continuing education. CE Cruncher always strives to fulfill all of those needs by providing more of what Chiropractors want and need. Our 2014 list gave us a vast amount of insight to what DCs are searching.
We thought CE Cruncher’s list could also serve as an indicator for up and coming trends in the professional with techniques, business practices and shifts in identity. Maybe help identify where the profession is headed and what to expect in the future.
For the second year in a row kinesiology taping is the most sought after new supportive technique.
Everyone loves a convention. From coast to coast state association conventions brought much interest. Politically the gammet spanned from strong philosophical groups to advanced practice, and everything in between.
Doctors of Chiropractic have a sense of humor. Our Humor section ranked second in interest with non CE pages.
Which Chiropractic Continuing Education Providers garnered the most interest? What news stories spiked DCs interest? So we put together a list of the top interest throughout our website to share what we found and help provide the content that you crave for 2015.
Chiropractic Seminar Statistics
Top 10 Chiropractic Continuing Education Courses Viewed:
1. Connecticut Chiropractic Council Chiropractic Pure and Powerful Xtravagnza - September Ledyard CT
2. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - June Orlando FL
3. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - August West Palm FL
4. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - November St. Petersburg FL
5. Life University Fall CE October - Marietta GA
6. NeuroDiagnostic Institute Neuro Diplomate - December Ponce Inlet FL
7. Logan Alumni Association Homecoming Midwest Conference - June St. Louis MO
8. International Board of Chiropractic Specialists Symposium - September Bloomington MN
9. Academy of Chiropractic Referral and Collections - January 2015 Boca Raton FL
10. Adjusting the Mind Dr. Schillinger - September Santa Cruz CA
Top 10 Chiropractic Continuing Education Providers Viewed:
Kinesio Taping Association
NeuroDiagnostic Institute
Florida Chiropractic Society
Target Coding
Adjusting the Mind – Dr. Schillinger
Connecticut Chiropractic Council
California Chiropractic Association
Florida Chiropractic Conferences
Most Popular City for a Chiropractic Seminar: Orlando Florida
Busiest Month for Chiropractic CEs: September
Most Searched State: Florida
Most Searched Chiropractic Continuing Ed Provider: BodyZone
CE Cruncher Statistics
Top Visited Sections - Non CE: Diplomates & Humor
Top News Story: Death of Dr. Dobbins
Most Viewed Chiropractic College Page: National University of Health Sciences - St. Petersburg Florida Campus
Chiropractor Statistics
Chiropractors that visited CE Cruncher live in:
US 84% Canada 4% Australia 1.5%
Most Popular State/Province:
1. Florida
2. California
3. Texas
4. New York
5. Georgia
6. Illinois
7. Pennsylvania
8. North Carolina
9. Ontario
10. New Jersey
How Chiropractors Viewed CE Cruncher:
Computer: 69% Mobile Device: 31%
Windows: 80% Mac: 20% IOS: 71% Android: 26% Windows: 3%
Ready for a Continuing Education Vacation to Florida this Winter?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 11, 2014
Why spend a weekend in a frozen hotel room to earn CEs when you could be spending your time after class basking in the Florida sun. Florida is home to more hours of continuing education for Chiropractors than any other state. Chiropractic Continuing Education providers in Florida are aware of this and usually accredited their courses for almost every state. So pack your sunglasses, shorts and sunscreen and take a winter seminar in the sunshine state .
If you would rather stare out the window of a classroom and see the sun and beach versus frozen precipitation, below are a few courses available in the cold winter months.
Target Coding – Dec 18th, 2014 Fort Lauderdale FL
Get ready for ICD-10 with Dr. Marty Kotlar and start 2015 with the latest in Chiropractic billing and coding.
Academy of Chiropractic – Jan 16-18, 2015 Boca Raton FL
Want higher collections, more referrals and a better understanding of MRI? Join Dr. Mark Stubin and Dr. William Owens for 3 days of ways to grow your practice through education and referrals.
Standard Process of Central Florida – April 25, 2015 Tampa FL
Trekking the Hormone Jungle with Dr. Michael Greer. Learn about the principle hormones involved in health and wellness and guide participants in their regulation using herbs, supplement, vitamins and minerals with careful monitoring by laboratory testing and clinical examination.
Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association Feb 21-22, 2015 Tampa FL
Join the FCPA for their Winter Seminar for 20 Chiropractic Continuing Education Hours in 2 days. Learn from over 20 courses and 15 speakers, designed for Chiropractors interested in Advance Practice.
Florida Chiropractic Conferences Feb 28- March 1 , 2015
Structured for the busy Chiropractor. This seminar offers 2 days for 20 CE hours at an affordable price.
Even More Chiropractic Continuing Education Opportunities in Florida
Still not sure? Ask your family if they would rather go to a frost covered hotel pool or one with a water slide and beach nearby.
Chiropractic Franchise The Joint Corp's Initial Public Offering Raised $20 Million
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 09, 2014
The Joint (NASDAQ: JYNT), cash-based chiropractic franchises with 225 offices, raised $20 million during the IPO by offering 3 million shares on Nov 11, 2014. The initial price to the public was $6.50 per share with trading opening at $6.62. Also the underwriters of the Joint's IPO exercised their over-allotment option to purchase an additional 450,000 shares on top of the IPO's 3,000,000. This resulted in aggregate net proceeds, after deducting underwriting discounts, commissions and other offering expenses, of approximately $20,000,000.
JYNT is up today, trading at $6.45. Since entering the market the price rallied initially to $7.20 and dropped as low as $6.00 almost 2 weeks later. Excitement showed in the early trade volume averaging 50,000 trades a day, although since Nov 26th the share volume has not exceeded 10,000.
The Joint Corp discussed their future plans after their IPO in the initial filings. The infusion of cash is marked for purchasing back regional developing rights and existing franchises from partner chiropractors and non-doctor owners. Next they plan to expand their own network of clinics and developing additional franchises in target markets. The Joint believes they can run more efficient and profitable clinics by concentrated marketing and reduced operating costs with corporate offices.
What are your opinions of this new model in Chiropractic? What will be the short and long term impact of this business model? Chiropractors give us your opinion in the Comments below.
Related Stories: A Chiropractic Company is Going Public, The Joint has applied for an IPO
Chiropractors Elected this Week to Public Office
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: November 06, 2014
As the mid term elections came to a close this week across the US a few chiropractors triumphed in their respected political campaigns.
Chiropractors elected or reelected to office include:
Dr. Terrence Murphy (R) State Senate NY 40th District
Chiropractor Terrence Murphy defeated Democrat Justin Wagner to fill the open seat held by two term Republican Sen. Greg Ball, who did not seek re-election. Until being sworn in Terrence Murphy DC can be found treating patients at Yorktown Health & Wellness Center
Dr. Craig Gagnon (R) State Rep SC District 11
District 11 re-elected Chiropractor Craig Gagnon to a second term in the South Carolina State House. The Sherman College of Chiropractic Grad and Abbeville Chiropractic Center Owner defeated his opponent by a 10% margin.
Dr. Ken Peluso District 4 School Board Pinellas County Florida
The retired chiropractor defeated former Tarpon Springs Mayor with less than 700 votes for the seat. A seasoned Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Ken Peluso retired last year from hisPeluso Chiropractic Center in Palm Harbor Florida. This race garnered some attention earlier in the campaigning when Dr. Peluso stated that creationism and evolution she be taught side by side in the science class during a public forum. He later retracted that statement.
Dr. Roger Jones Cold Springs Kentucky City Council
New to the political arena, Chiropractor Roger Jones of South Gate Chiropractic won one of 6 available seats in an 8 way election. The 1998 Life Chiropractic College Grad captured 12.3% of the vote as the fourth highest vote holder in the race.
Dr. Terry Tolle Hamilton Southeastern School Board Indiana
The President of Health 1st Wellness Centers, Chiropractor Terry Tolle obtained one of 2 seats available on the Indianapolis School Board by defeating 2 incumbents.
Do you know of a Chiropractor recently elected or running for office? Share their information with CE Cruncher and we will provide some free press and publicity to the Chiropractic Profession.
A Chiropractic Company is Going Public, The Joint has applied for an IPO
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: October 14, 2014
The Joint Corporation applied for an initial public offering (IPO) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on September 9th 2014. The terms of the offering were not provided, yet the S-1 form was filled for up to $35 million. If all goes as planned they will join the NASDAQ with the symbol JYNT later in the year.
The Joint functions as a franchisor of over 215 well-branded cash-only Chiropractic clinics in 26 states, with a strong presence in the West and Midwest of the US. Currently all of the clinic are owned by franchises, mostly Chiropractors.
The company started in 1999 by Chiropractor Dr. Fred Gerretzen in Tucson Arizona and grew to 8 clinics in 2008 when he sold the company to the venture capitalist Business Ventures Corp. In 2010 John Leonesio, former CEO of Massage Envy took the helm of the Joint and this year moved to the position of Chairman of the Board. Leadership changes early this year acquired John B. Richards in the role of Lead Director and his fellow Starbucks Executive David Orwasher as President and COO.
All of the franchised clinics are staffed by licensed Chiropractors, most employing at least two to cover their extensive hours. The clinics operate 6-7 days a week, with weekday hours extending past 5 pm. The Joint clinics do not accept insurance or Medicare and offer inexpensive monthly plans. According to The Joint’s website an initial consultation has a cost of $19, with follow up adjustment at a rate of $29 or a monthly package of 4 for $49 with a 6 month contract or $59 month to month. Packages can be utilized at any of The Joint locations.
Each clinic is structured to offer routine wellness Chiropractic care. They provide exams and adjustments only in an open concept treatment area. The offices are not equipped with x-rays or therapeutic equipment. Appointments are not required, patients are scene as walk-ins. Providing only maintenance care, acute patients are referred to other providers, including traditional Chiropractors.
Their future plans laid out in their IPO include reacquiring regional developing rights and purchasing existing franchises while expanding their own network of clinics and developing additional franchises. Utilizing the Starbucks expansion experience of their new leadership The Joint aims to proliferate in targeted markets with concentrated marketing and reduced operating costs.
The Joint’s federal filling reports an average of 540 to 948 new patients per year in their clinics between 2010 and 2013. In the first six month of this year the franchises generated $19 million in revenue from 948,304 patient visits. So this year their clinics averaged 735 patient visits a month with a monthly revenue of $14,728.62 or $20.03 per patient visit.
Chiropractors interested in their clinic opportunity can find information about costs upfront. New franchisees pay $29,000 for a clinic of their own, with The Joint collecting half if sold through a regional developer. Each of The Joint’s 40 directly franchised clinics pay royalties of 7% of gross revenues and the remaining clinics franchised through regional developers pay 4% of gross revenues. They also charge a national marketing fee of 1% of gross revenues from to all of their clinics.
The Joint reports that they offer an advantage over traditional Chiropractic offices with prices over 50% less, a retail consumer driven approach and by educating patients on a maintenance approach to Chiropractic care. They believe their appeal to Chiropractors stems from their ability allow them to spend more time treating patients, less overhead, personnel and administrative responsibilities in The Joint’s business model.
Do you own a Joint franchise or work for one? Are you considering buying a franchise? Has a Chiropractic franchise moved close to your office?
CE Cruncher would love your opinion; we want to know what you think and start a dialogue about the changing face of the Chiropractic profession.
The Doctor has a Chiropractor on Call
A Story for Whovian DCs
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 24, 2014
The BBC recently released a statement about the upcoming season of Dr. Who and the newest Doctor Peter Capaldi. The studio revealed that a chiropractor is on call during the taping of Dr. Who should the 11th incarnation of the Time Lord injure himself during any particularly vicious fights with Cybermen or Daleks.
Since the 2005 rerelease of the show all of the most recent Doctors (Matt Smith, David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston) have had a chiropractor available on quick notice as well as paramedics on set. BBC stated, "Being the Doctor involves lots of stunts and action sequences, including hanging from harnesses for long periods of time. All our Doctors have found chiropractor appointments helpful."
If you are considering treating a Time Lord on this side of the pond the new ICD-10 diagnosis codes are almost prepared for travel through space and time. V95.43 refers to a Spacecraft crash injuring occupant, not sure if the Tardis would be offended by the term spacecraft. Although we could not find a code for weeping angles, sonic screwdriver failures or multiple hearts.
The eighth season of Dr. Who airs in the US on BBCA.
An Influential and Dynamic Speaker in the Chiropractic Profession Passed, Dr. James Sigafoose
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: July 12, 2014
Chiropractic Philosopher James M. Sigafoose DC, FICA passed away Thursday July 3 2014 surrounded by his family. He had suffered a stroke a few weeks before his passing.
Dr. James Sigafoose is known to many in the Chiropractic profession for his motivating and dynamic speeches and presentations. A devoted follower of the teachings of BJ Palmer and Sid Williams, his chiropractic philosophy and personal development seminars rang through halls of Chiropractors across the US and internationally for five decades.
A 1959 graduate of National Chiropractic College, he served on the boards of Life Chiropractic College and Life West. He lectured at numerous other chiropractic colleges, Parker Seminars, ICA conferences and Dynamic Essentials (DE). This past June he motivated the International Chiropractors Association’s annual meeting at Cleveland Chiropractic College as the keynote speaker. He is also credited as offering the first Chiropractic Continuing Education Seminar.
Dr. Sigafoose is a legacy to Chiropractic professionally and personally. His passion filled his daily life inspiring all six of his children, a son-in-law, a nephew, and a daughter-in-law to become chiropractors,.
A Memorial celebration of the life of Dr. Jim Sigafoose will be held on Saturday, August 2 at 4:00 PM at 810 Baker Avenue, Abingdon, Maryland, USA.
Put Down Your Pencils the NBCE starts Computer Based Testing Soon
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: June 07, 2014
How many Chiropractors and Chiropractic Students remember filling in with a pencil hundreds of bubbles on their Nation Board of Chiropractic Exams? How many DCs still have a dent in the lateral aspect of their 3rd digit from all of those tiny scribbles they tried to precisely fill within the lines? These days may soon be over, the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) is stepping into the 21st century and initiating computer-based Chiropractic Board exams.
The first attempt of the new proposed system will take place at Life University on September 2014 for Part I first-time takers that attend the university. The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) chose Life University since they agreed to serve as the beta-test site for the project and designed a portion of their academic assessment center as a computer-based testing lab.
The first test will be a bit of an experiment. Students taking part I will be assigned to 1 of 4 groups, 3 taking the computer based exam and 1 group with a number 2. The experiment will last 3 weeks, so the earliest randomly assigned test takers miss out on a little extra cramming.
Worst-case scenarios plans are in place, the NBCE tried to think of everything. Incase of a power failure, they have back ups, it that fails then the test can be taken on paper with the aid of a pencil. If the entire system fails chiropractic students can finish the exam with their papered cohorts.
Questions arose about checking for missing answers and skipping questions. The NBCE thought this through. Every student can mark any question they want to come back to and at the end of the exam there will be a list of the questions. Plus if you accidently skip a question a list of skipped questions will be available at the end to answer.
The NCBE revealed on their website that waiting to take the board exams on scheduled dates may be a thing of the past soon. “One of the long term goals of the conversion to computer-based testing is to be able to offer the student on-demand testing opportunities with the NBCE. This situation does NOT exist at this moment, but the outcome of the current efforts will pave the way for this to happen.” NBCE
CE Cruncher would like to wish all chiropractic students good luck on their board exams and are excited about the upcoming computerized changes to the exam.
Chiropractor Dr. Eric Marcotte Wins the 2014 USPRO Cycling Championship
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: June 03, 2014
The 2014 Pro Road & Time Trial Nationals overtook the streets of Chattanooga Tennessee last week crowning Scottsdale Arizona Chiropractor Eric Marcotte this year’s champion. The 34 year old cyclist edged out SmartStop Pro Cycling teammate Travis McCabe for the win.
“I’m not going to toot my own horn, but I represent America,” Chiropractor Eric Marcotte told VeloNews after his Memorial Day win “I’m a full-time working guy who just won a freakin’ national championship. I mean, what more could you want?”
A latecomer to the world of cycling, he started at age 24 while attending Northern Chiropractic College. His bike path became clear when the former body builder decided to train for a triathlon. The story goes: He ran and swam that winter, and hit the bike in spring. After he hit the road for his first bike race he never ran or swam again.
Eric Marcotte, DC is being labeled US cycling’s Cinderella story. No only does he runs a full time Chiropractic practice, he finds time to train and race. Almost all of the riders in the USPRO cycling championship cycle for a living, dedicating all of their time and efforts to training. For the past 3 years Dr. Eric Marcotte trains for national championships and runs Endurance Chiropractic in Scottsdale Arizona.
To all of our SW Chiropractic followers: See if you can spot Dr. Marcotte in his newly won Stars-and-Stripes jersey, also keep an eye out for driving his National Title prize of a one-year loan of a 2015 Volkswagen GTI.
Chiropractors Running for a Good Cause at the Boston Marathon
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 16, 2014
Chiropractors spout the benefits of staying active to their patients, and many lead by example. CE Cruncher wanted to highlight the efforts of some generous chiropractors that are using their athleticism and professional skills in support of the 2014 Boston Marathon.
Running a marathon is an accomplishment; running to a marathon is a much bigger story. The Franklin Lakes New Jersey Chiropractor Dr. Larry Grogin takes fitness serious. A 28-time ironman triathlete and avid runner with over a hundred marathons under his belt, Dr. Grogin is not only running the Boston Marathon as a charity fundraiser, he is running over 200 miles to the start line of the race.
After competing in last year’s tragic Boston Marathon he decided to give back even more this year to Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, a charity that sends children suffering from serious illnesses to camp. Already exceeding his contributions from last year, Dr. Grogin’s press from his amazing journey has generated over $60,000 with the total climbing everyday. Help Dr. Grogin reach his goal of $100,000 .
Texas Chiropractor Dr. Logan Sherman (wonder if his name impacted his career choice?) teamed up with a friend Jason Peacock to create the Staches for Boston PD fundraising campaign. They held fundraising social runs around Dallas Texas as a thank you to Boston Police Department’s amazing response to the horrific events at last year’s Boston Marathon.
Kuddos to Dr. Logan Sherman of Reagan ChiroSport Center for giving back after less than a year in practice. Help Dr. Sherman reach his goal of $5,000.
Chiropractor Ryan Metivier from Auburn Maine reached a life long goal by crossing the finish lin at the 203 Boston Marathon and felt inspired after the tragedy to raise finds for Mainers impacted on that day. This year he challenged members of his community and patients to in growing out their beards and use the savings from their razor blades to benefit local Marathon victims.
“I know my patients will probably give me a lot of grief for the crazy beard, but I feel it’s the least I can do for such an important cause,” Dr. Metivier reported, “So much gets forgotten about as time passes, but the victims of these tragic events have medical expenses and disabilities that can last a life-time. I hope I can at least help out a little.”
Dr. Metivier at Auburn Chiropractic offered a complimentary massage for any donation of $10 or greater to the cause.
Dr. Marc Saulnier, a Norwood Massachusetts Chiropractor, is providing complimentary chiropractic care to the Music Drives Us Boston Proud Marathon Team. Dr. Saulnier ran the 2011 Boston Marathon in memory of his father who passed in 2008. His offered his chiropractic care to keep the runners' spines and extremities in alignment; and help them raise more money for their cause.
Support Dr. Marc Saulnier’s Team Music Drives Us Boston Proud bring music to New England.
Florida Chiropractor “Ask Koby” Shoots an Armed Man in His Office
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 20, 2014
Florida Chiropractor “Ask Koby” Shoots an Armed Man in His Office
Dr. Lenny Linardos, known to many on the west coast of Florida as the personal injury chiropractor behind the Ask Koby referral line, shot an armed man in his office on Monday in Holiday Florida.
Around 11 am Monday shots were fired at West Coast Spine and Injury Center according to the Pasco Sheriff’s department. Two 911 calls were made, one from a staff member at the Chiropractor’s office and the other from a nearby business.
Reports from local law enforcement and news sources describe Jaime Velez, 34, walking into Dr. Linardos’ business, proceeding into his office armed with a gun in his waistband and commencing a verbal confrontation with the Chiropractor. Dr. Lenny fired shots and Velez was transported to a local hospital with multiple gunshots to his abdomen. He is listed in serious, but stable condition.
As stories start to surface about the incident, pieces of what happened are falling together. Dr. Lenny Linardos told a pregnant patient that her boyfriend, Jamie Velez, was having an affair with one of his office employees. The relationship between Dr. Linardos and Jamie Velez has not been fully explained my either party. The day after the incident they were listed as friends on facebook, Dr. Linardos profile has since been removed.
A January 19th post by Jaime Velez on facebook pictures him with a very pregnant woman with the caption of "no more games, lies and deceit. Family first.
On Monday Morning, Dr. Linardos commented: "Haha, you just lied." These remarks have since been removed. Threats ensued from Mr. Velez following this action and the revelation to his girlfriend.
The Pasco County Sheriffs office questioned Dr. Lenny Linardos and released him Monday night. His attorney Cimos Angelis stated "Dr. Linardos is home. He cooperated fully with law enforcement," and "There was nothing that he did that was criminal. He defended himself."
enny Linardos, DC , a 2000 Life College of Chiropractic graduate, has practiced in Florida since 2003. Dr. Linardos created an accident referral hotline,1-877-Ask-Koby, in October 2004 featuring a voice over with a Jamaican accent telling people to call if they were involved in an accident. He has practiced at West Coast Spine and Injury in Holiday for the past 10 years.
Logan Settles Overs Pregnancy Complaint
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 11, 2013
Logan College of Chiropractic University Programs reached a settlement agreement with the National Women’s Law Center and Attorney B Lane Hasler over Chiropractic Student Brandi Kostal’s complaint of pregnancy discrimination.
While simultaneously working toward a Doctorate in Chiropractic and a Master’s in Nutrition, Brandi Kostal faced an emergency Caesarian after pregnancy complications. Following the surgery, Brandi was told to return to her Chiropractic classes, against her doctor’s recommendations, when Logan threatened that she would face attendance failures. She also requested an incomplete in order to finish her online Master’s in Nutrition course, which the Professor reported as failing grades. She was faced with postponing her Spring 2014 graduation date and enrollment in a PhD program and further tuition costs. (Read Pregnant During Chiropractic College? Complaint Filed Against Logan College of Chiropractic for a more indepth account and a copy of the complaint.)
With help of Attorney B Lane Hasler and the National Women’s Law Center, Brandi filed a complaint with the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights for, what they proclaimed, was Logan University’s disregard for her rights under Tittle XI.
Title XI, passed in 1972, is most widely known legislation for creating equal athletic opportunities, but also specifies that pregnant students have to be allowed to return to their classes, allowed to make up missed work after childbirth and not be penalized for those absences.
According to the National Women’s Law Center the settlement reached with Logan Chiropractic College / University Programs included:
- Logan agreed to adopt a policy that addresses the rights of pregnant and parenting students under Title IX
- All pregnancy-related absences will be excused for as long as medically necessary. Individualized plans will be created for making up missed work
- The University will conduct annual, mandatory trainings so that faculty members understand their Title IX obligations
- Logan’s Title IX policy will be placed on its website and in the student handbook
- Brandi's failing grades would be removed from her transcripts
- She can complete the two Nutrition Masters Courses at no cost
- Reimburse her tuition payments for the period during which she was pregnant and recovering from childbirth
When questioned about the settlement, Logan replied with a statement: "Logan University has long been a champion of equality in education. We are pleased to have resolved the disagreement with this student in a way that, we believe, will further enhance our policies and opportunities for Logan students. Our new policies and procedures will help us continue to meet evolving federal requirements."
After the settlement Logan Chiropractic College student Brandi Kostal stated "I am grateful that my fellow students who are pregnant or currently parents, will be fully protected under Logan's new policy. I know firsthand how committed pregnant students are to do well for themselves and their children. I feel confident that current and future pregnant students will be able to continue their studies as planned and build a strong future for their families."
Have you or someone you know suffered pregnancy discrimination similar to Brandi Kostal? Contact Attorney B Lane Hasler.
Editorial Note: We would like to thank Brandi Kostal for the courage and determination to stand up for her rights on behalf of Chiropractors, Chiropractic Students, present and future. While writing the original article, we heard many stories from former Chiropractic students at Logan and other Chiropractic colleges about the struggles and educational setbacks they experienced at the hands of ill-educated administrations. Good luck in your future endeavors, you are a true asset to the Chiropractic Profession.
Other Related Articles: Pregnant During Chiropractic College? Complaint Filed Against Logan College of Chiropractic
Logan Has Announced their Next President – Clay McDonald, D.C., M.B.A, J.D
A Time For Sorrow in Chiropractic - Dr. Dobbins Died on Dec 3, 2013
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 06, 2013
The chiropractic profession lost an amazing chiropractor, educator and nutrition expert, Dr. Michael Dobbins passed away on Dec 3 2013. A distinctive man in Chiropractic, know for his years of dynamic nutrition lectures always punctuated with wit and humor. An iconic figure with a gentle yet formidable presence, his face adorned with a generous smile, a smooth dome, tufted sides and a brash of well-tended facial hair.
Dr. Dobbins practiced in the San Francisco bay area for over 25 years, recently with his wife Dr. PJ Dobbins and son Dr. Patrick Dobbins. A 1987 graduate of Life Chiropractic College-West, prior to a becoming a chiropractor he served as a Navy nuclear power instructor. Dr. Dobbins career educated thousands of Chiropractors from his years as a professor at Life West and as an instructor for numerous chiropractic continuing education companies: Standard Process, Activator Methods, National Board Review and numerous others.
Dr. Dobbins dedicated his life to nutrition and whole food education. Generously offering his vast knowledge to chiropractors worldwide, spending most of his weekends lecturing. His years of service and dedication to the Chiropractic profession inspired Standard Process to award him the Excellence in Nutritional Education Award in 2009. Along with the award Standard Process created a $100,000 scholarship for Chiropractic students at Life College of Chiropractic West, the Dr. Michael Dobbins Excellence in Nutritional Education Scholarship.
Memorials for Dr. Dobbins will be at St. Joseph Basilica 1109 Chestnut St, Alameda, CA
In lieu of flowers,the family requested that donations be made in Dr. Michael Dobbins honor to:?Golden Gate Boys Choir and Bellringers?Online or mail checks to: Golden Gate Boys and Bellringers, 480 Larchmont Street Hayward, CA 94544
“Thank you for an incredible contribution to the profession, and to increasing our understanding of health and well being. Your work rate and lectures the past 25 years is unparalleled. Your legacy and inspiration will live on at Life West.”
Dr. Brian Kelly President of Life College of Chiropractic West
“His immense contributions have led to a greater understanding of the chiropractic and whole food philosophies. Ultimately, many lives have benefited from his passion to share his knowledge."
Charles Dubois – President of Standard Process
"My oh my such a huge blow for humanity. His brilliance Amazed even Me.. And he left such a wonderful impression on all who crossed his light."
Michael Greer, MD Integrative Medicine Educator
Share your thought and memories of Dr. Dobbins in the comment section.