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Congratulations Dr. Eric Mizuba on His Swim Across Lake Erie

  • DrTirpak

    Poster Profile:

    Name: DrTirpak
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    Location: Tampa, FL
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    Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
    Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.

by: DrTirpak posted: July 30, 2012


Chiropractor Eric Mizuba started his treacherous swim across Lake Erie Sunday morning at 8:29 am from Long Point Ontario Canada. 14 hours and 34 minutes later at 11:03pm almost 200 fans greeted him with cheers on Freeport Beach in Erie PA against the background of the supportive local fire department’s sirens.

Exhausted and aided by friends Eric Mizuba addressed his fan “When it really got tough I divided it up like a piece of pie and I took one piece at a time. Out of breath he also stated "It is an awfully big lake, bigger than I thought".

Dr. Eric Mizuba, 44, tested his physical endurance with the 24.3 mile swim to raise money for the Erie City Mission.

 Video From

Earlier Story - Chiropractor Eric Mizuba is on a Swim For the Mission Across Lake Erie

Filed Under Tags:  Chiropractors  ·  PA


I am congratulating Dr Eric on his swim in New Hampshire on August 8th 2014 - I saw it on my local news in the morning and my husband and I boat every Weekend on lake Winnapausakee. We stopped for lunch in Wolfboro few hours before he was scheduled to arrive from his swim and purchased t-shirts for his cause. Awesome job and we actually boated in the area he was Swimming and saw him. So amazing the endurance it takes to do what the Doctor does - love it. Very impressed and hats off to you. Thank you!!
by: Kendra

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