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Did You Love "Doctored"?

Help fund Jeff Hays’ Next Movie Bought, about Big Pharma, Vaccines and GMOs

  • DrTirpak

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    Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
    Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.

by: DrTirpak posted: June 30, 2013

Bought the Movie - from the Creators of Doctored

Doctored made a huge impact on the Chiropractic profession last year. Numerous Chiropractic Colleges, Chiropractic State Associations and individual Chiropractors offered screenings of the movie to help promote the message of undue influence of the pharmaceutical industry, the AMA and the corruption in the medical model. It is difficult to find a Chiropractor that was not directly impacted by this movie.

Now the producer of Doctored, Jeff Hayes, has a new movie titled Bought. This amazing documentary offers a look in to the corruption of society by GMO producers, pharmaceutical companies and the vaccine industry. These multinational corporations are negatively impacting the health and well-being of the world with high priced ad campaigns and paying for governmental influence.

Bought exposes the problems in the vaccine court, the untold stories of the victims of vaccines, along with interviews from Chiropractor Patrick Gentempo & medical researcher and surgeon Andrew Wakefield. The billions of dollars drug companies and medical device manufactures pay for advertising, financial incentives to physicians and the resulting interests hidden from the public are addressed. This movie covers the Monsanto Protection Act that rallied many Chiropractors and concerned citizens to stand up to the government’s blatant disregard to the impact of GMOs on public health and safety.

Bought is almost completed and you can help. Jeff Hays films created an opportunity for Chiropractors to support the movie in exchange for early release DVDs, signed books, tickets to the world premier and even the opportunity to create your own viewing event to market your Chiropractic practice.  Contribute to Bought

Bought teamed up with Indiegogo, a well respected crowdfunding platform. Not familiar with crowdfunding? Let us explain. Crowdfunding is an old concept redeveloped for the digital age. It offers an opportunity for many people to invest online for varying amounts to help fund a project. Bought the Movies's campaign strives to help cover the production and distribution costs of the movie in exchange for early release copies of the movie and screening events. The opportunity ends Wednesday July 10th at midnight, so sign up to pledge right now and tell your friends.

Chiropractors for generations have strived to convey the message of health living and wellness, but also educating the public about vaccines, pharmaceuticals and more recently GMOs. Bought offers an opportunity for this message to reach millions in a well researched, concise documentary.

Watch the Trailer of Bought.

Story about Doctored on CE Cruncher

Filed Under Tags:  Chiropractic Students  ·  Chiropractors


I watched Bought, went to my chiropractor in Oshawa and starting living healthy. Thank you to the people who made this movie happen, you have saved my life.
by: Phil Thomas

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