Dr. Ron Kolanko of Brain Brilliance speaking at the FCA Panhandle Convention
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 06, 2018

Sale ends Feb 20, 2018
Dr. Ronald Kolanko will be a guest speaker at the upcoming FCA NW regional convention in Panama City Feb 9, 2018 at 10:00 am. Dr, Kolanko has spent over thirty year of researching, developing and rehabbing nervous system disorders. His work, spawned when his own grandson was diagnosed with brain trauma, evolved into producing amazing clinical outcomes for many with neurological conditions. This drove him and some fellow Chiropractors to launch Brain Brilliance, Inc, with a goal to lead the industry on a virtual new pathway for patient care and recovering the health of the nervous system. The US is afflicted with “Disconnect Brain and Central Nervous System Disorders” or leaky brain. Some of the common and ever growing “Disconnect” maladies are:
Disconnect Disorders:
• Chronic Pain
• Alzheimer
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Memory & Concentration Problems
• Insomnia
• Concussions
Dr. Kolanko's lecture, Rehabilitation of the Brain and Central Nervous System, will discuss the causes of disconnect disorders, how to evaluate patients, treatment protocols and clinical outcomes. Food additives, diet, stress, infections, environmental toxin exposures and trauma take a toll on the blood brain barrier allowing increased permeability (Leaky Brain). This permeability can cause inflammation in the brain resulting in various Disconnect Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system disorders. His discussion will also include how to fill nutritional gaps that current, standard-of-care regimens overlook by supplying essential elements for maintaining cellular health in central and peripheral nervous system tissues.
Ronald Kolanko, BS, DC, DABCT, FICC, ABCS, ACCO
Florida Chiropractic Association NorthWest Regional Convention
Panama City, Florida
Feb 9, 2018 10:00 am
More Information about the FCA NW Convention Panhandle
More Information about Brain Brilliance
Florida Allows Online CEs for Chiropractors
Where are the Classes?
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: July 24, 2017

As of May 31, 2017 The Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine approved a change to the statute 64B2-13.004 Continuing Education. The new statute allows for 10 hours on online Chiropractic continuing education. Unfortunately no Chiropractic continuing education provider, that we know of, can meet their new criteria. CE Cruncher recently created an online platform for Chiropractic continuing ed ChiropracticOnlineContinuingEd.com and was excited at the opportunity for Florida DCs. Our CE website does not meet the criteria, but have asked the state along with other companies for a variance to the the rules. We will continue to keep the public aware of the situation and report any progress.
64B2-13.004 (3) Each licensee may elect to obtain no more than ten (10) general hours each biennium of online continuing education. The online courses shall be competence based learning. Online continuing education providers shall comply with the approval process outlined in subsection (5), of this rule.
If you check the State's website for approved Chiropractic continuing education courses online you will find nothing. The new statute also contains the following regulations that pertain to Chiropractic continuing education providers: competency based learning, use the Sharable Content Objective Reference Model (SCORM) for security purposes, include that only the attendee’s registered computer is used for the course, technical assistance available as appropriate to the course format, allow access to the online program to the Board member who is reviewing the course for approval and view other criteria.
More details will be coming soon.
Move Over Orlando and Las Vegas, Tampa is the New Hot Spot for Chiropractic CEs
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 16, 2015
Many Chiropractors turn their need for continuing education and advancing their professional knowledge into a chance to travel. Every year dozens of Chiropractic seminars and conventions have taken up residence for a few days in Las Vegas and even more in theme park USA Orlando offering a chance for Chiropractors to learn while on vacation.
What happens in Vegas at Parker, Prosport, Gratson and Dr. PGA stays in Vegas. Mickey, Minnie Universal, FCA National Convention, FCS, Kinesio Tape and Body Zone can all be found in Orlando this year. In 2015 look out, Tampa Florida is hosting enough Chiropractic Seminars in three months to feed all of your vacation and Chiropractic educational needs.
The FCPA Thunder in Tampa Bay Convention starts the CE season hosted by the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association on February 21st to 22nd. An amazing 20 hours of chiro credits in more than 30 states will be offered over 2 days with 3-4 classes to choose from at a time. This advanced practice event will also include dozens of chiropractic vendors and an after party to socialize with other Chiropractic Physicians. This will be the FCPA’s first event in Tampa with previous seminars in Orlando and South Florida, not to mention Las Vegas next year.
Keep an eye out for CE Cruncher’s booth #31 at the FCPA’s Tampa Convention near the enterance. Stop by and meet our CEO Amy Tirpak, DC and receive a personalized Facebook post for your chiropractic practice. Also check out FCPA's vendor Soleve's, noninvasive targeted neurostimulation, offer of a free exam/treatment table to the first five units sold at the convention, a $2500 value.
Standard Process on April 25th 2015 offers Trekking the Hormone Jungle in Tampa at the Westshore Marriott. An interesting look at nutrition and hormone imbalances in a one day 8 hour seminar with credits applied for DACBNs. Dr. Michael Greer will cover cortisol, thyroid dysfunction, testosterone and men’s health along with understanding cholesterol. Presented by Standard Process of Central Florida with expectations that the event will sell out early.
The list continues with the politically independent Florida Chiropractic Conferences Tampa Bay event Feb 28th to March 1st and Nutri-West of Florida’s Muscle Response Testing March 7th to 8th 2015.
Need more reasons to travel to Tampa for your Chiropractic Continuing Education?
- Average day-time temperatures: 70s to 80s.
- After a quick search of flights to Tampa, CE Cruncher found fares under $200 round trip from:
Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Dallas, Cleveland, Chicago, DC, Detroit, and New Jersey.
- Tampa offers renowned museums, a vibrant zoo, Busch Gardens, exciting nightlife, a local food and micro brew scene, and the longest continuous sidewalk in the US (a great place for a run or stroll along the water)
Our bragging about Tampa comes honestly, CE Cruncher’s headquarters are located in the city.
Planning on a trip to Tampa for Chiropractic Continuing Education? Email us for our exclusive Places to See in Tampa list compiled by our fun and eclectic staff.
Chiropractors Elected this Week to Public Office
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: November 06, 2014
As the mid term elections came to a close this week across the US a few chiropractors triumphed in their respected political campaigns.
Chiropractors elected or reelected to office include:
Dr. Terrence Murphy (R) State Senate NY 40th District
Chiropractor Terrence Murphy defeated Democrat Justin Wagner to fill the open seat held by two term Republican Sen. Greg Ball, who did not seek re-election. Until being sworn in Terrence Murphy DC can be found treating patients at Yorktown Health & Wellness Center
Dr. Craig Gagnon (R) State Rep SC District 11
District 11 re-elected Chiropractor Craig Gagnon to a second term in the South Carolina State House. The Sherman College of Chiropractic Grad and Abbeville Chiropractic Center Owner defeated his opponent by a 10% margin.
Dr. Ken Peluso District 4 School Board Pinellas County Florida
The retired chiropractor defeated former Tarpon Springs Mayor with less than 700 votes for the seat. A seasoned Chiropractic Physician, Dr. Ken Peluso retired last year from hisPeluso Chiropractic Center in Palm Harbor Florida. This race garnered some attention earlier in the campaigning when Dr. Peluso stated that creationism and evolution she be taught side by side in the science class during a public forum. He later retracted that statement.
Dr. Roger Jones Cold Springs Kentucky City Council
New to the political arena, Chiropractor Roger Jones of South Gate Chiropractic won one of 6 available seats in an 8 way election. The 1998 Life Chiropractic College Grad captured 12.3% of the vote as the fourth highest vote holder in the race.
Dr. Terry Tolle Hamilton Southeastern School Board Indiana
The President of Health 1st Wellness Centers, Chiropractor Terry Tolle obtained one of 2 seats available on the Indianapolis School Board by defeating 2 incumbents.
Do you know of a Chiropractor recently elected or running for office? Share their information with CE Cruncher and we will provide some free press and publicity to the Chiropractic Profession.
Florida Chiropractor “Ask Koby” Shoots an Armed Man in His Office
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: February 20, 2014
Florida Chiropractor “Ask Koby” Shoots an Armed Man in His Office
Dr. Lenny Linardos, known to many on the west coast of Florida as the personal injury chiropractor behind the Ask Koby referral line, shot an armed man in his office on Monday in Holiday Florida.
Around 11 am Monday shots were fired at West Coast Spine and Injury Center according to the Pasco Sheriff’s department. Two 911 calls were made, one from a staff member at the Chiropractor’s office and the other from a nearby business.
Reports from local law enforcement and news sources describe Jaime Velez, 34, walking into Dr. Linardos’ business, proceeding into his office armed with a gun in his waistband and commencing a verbal confrontation with the Chiropractor. Dr. Lenny fired shots and Velez was transported to a local hospital with multiple gunshots to his abdomen. He is listed in serious, but stable condition.
As stories start to surface about the incident, pieces of what happened are falling together. Dr. Lenny Linardos told a pregnant patient that her boyfriend, Jamie Velez, was having an affair with one of his office employees. The relationship between Dr. Linardos and Jamie Velez has not been fully explained my either party. The day after the incident they were listed as friends on facebook, Dr. Linardos profile has since been removed.
A January 19th post by Jaime Velez on facebook pictures him with a very pregnant woman with the caption of "no more games, lies and deceit. Family first.
On Monday Morning, Dr. Linardos commented: "Haha, you just lied." These remarks have since been removed. Threats ensued from Mr. Velez following this action and the revelation to his girlfriend.
The Pasco County Sheriffs office questioned Dr. Lenny Linardos and released him Monday night. His attorney Cimos Angelis stated "Dr. Linardos is home. He cooperated fully with law enforcement," and "There was nothing that he did that was criminal. He defended himself."
enny Linardos, DC , a 2000 Life College of Chiropractic graduate, has practiced in Florida since 2003. Dr. Linardos created an accident referral hotline,1-877-Ask-Koby, in October 2004 featuring a voice over with a Jamaican accent telling people to call if they were involved in an accident. He has practiced at West Coast Spine and Injury in Holiday for the past 10 years.
August is a Busy Month for Chiropractic Continuing Education in Florida
All 3 FL State Chiropractic Associations are offering Conventions with CEs for Most States
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: July 31, 2013
Take a break this summer and bask in the sun while earning Chiropractic CEs. All three of Florida’s Chiropractic Associations are hosting conventions in August. So no matter where you fit on the professional spectrum principled, straight, mixer, general or advanced practice there is a seminar to fit your preference. Many chiropractors admit to attending the seminars not just for the political leanings of the associations, but for time, cost and convenience.
Each Seminar is accredited for Chiropractic Continuing Education in the majority of the US, always double check with your state Chiropractic board to make sure that your credits will count toward your license renewal.
Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association (FCPA)
Date: Aug 16-18 2013
Location: Orlando Florida
Hours: 25
Price: Non Member - $175 Member $75
States Accredited: 35
Vendors: 40
Chiropractors: 800
Host Hotel: International Palms Orlando FL $75
Florida Chiropractic Society (FCS)
Date: Aug 16-18 2013
Location: Palm Beach Florida
Price: Non Member - $415 Member $215
States Accredited: 40
Vendors: 25
Chiropractors: 500
Host Hotel: Breakers Palm Beach FL $210
Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA)
Date: Aug 22-25 2013
Location: Orlando Florida
Chiropractic Continuing Education Hours: 20
Price: Non Member - $450 Member - $235
States Accredited: 37 - 10 more pending
Vendors: 400
Chiropractors: 2,000
Host Hotel: Peabody Orlando FL $205 (sold out)
Miami Chiropractor Mark Cereceda Arrested Over Campaign Contributions
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: March 13, 2013
Chiropractor Mark Cereceda’s political antics finally caught up with him. Dr. Mark Cereceda was arrested on Friday February 22nd in Hialeah FL for orchestrating illegal campaign contributions to numerous Florida State elected officials. Charges were filed against Dr. Mark Cereceda, his office Florida Wellness & Rehabilitation Center , and his brother.
The alleged crime involved Dr. Mark Cereceda asking over 30 of his employees in his 6 Chiropractic Clinics to contribute to various political campaigns throughout the state, and then he would reimburse their contributions. Florida law allows an individual or company to only donate $500 per candidate. According to the arrest warrant Dr. Cereceda is believed to have donated over $25,000 to various candidates over the past 2 years. The recipients include Florida Senate President Don Gaetz and State Senator Joe Negron investigators reported that the candidates were not aware that the contributions were illegal. Mark Cereceda DC has been charged with one felony and one misdemeanor relating to illegal contributions.
This is not Dr. Mark Cereceda first time in the press over questionable political dealing. In May of 2007 Dr. Cereceda’s mother Nora Cereceda purchased a home from Marco Rubio, at the time Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, coinciding with a state congressional debate over the renewal of the PIP insurance laws in Florida. Shortly after the sale and some political negotiations Rubio changed his mind and supported the bill. The sale price of the home reflected comparable home sales in the area according to public records. At the time Dr. Cecrceda had been heavily lobbying for passage of the Florida’s no-fault PIP legislation.
Last year another storm brewed around Dr. Mark Cereceda, a County Judge and his corporation Florida Wellness & Rehabilitation Center. Dr. Cereceda’s accountant sent the Florida Division of Corporations documents dissolving his corporation prematurely before he reincorporated. A Miami-Dade County Court Judge, Ana Maria Pando, wrote a letter on her official Judicial stationary to the Director of Corporations in Florida asking the agency to reinstate the Dr. Cereceda’s corporation Florida Wellness. At the time Judge Ana Maria Pando had numerous PIP suits cases before her in which Dr. Mark Cereceda was the plaintiff. (PIP suits result when providers seek payment of personal injury claims that were not paid by the insurance carrier.) Florida State documents indicated the corporation was reactivated by a "court order". Dr. Cereceda’s corporations shortly after the reinstatement contributed over $2,500 to Judge Pando’s re-election campaign.
Numerous attorneys charged Judge Pando with violating the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission accused Judge Pando of not reporting a financial gift from Dr. Mark Cereceda. Earlier this year the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission dropped all charges against Judge Ana Maria Pando following her promise never to seek a judgeship again.
Dr. Cereceda, a 1993 Life University Doctor of Chiropractic graduate, owns 6 personal injury clinics in Miami Dade county Florida.
Chiropractor Joseph Wagner Sentenced to over 15 Years in Prison
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: December 12, 2012
This should be the last story about Chiropractor Joseph Wagner’s fraudulent behavior, his sentencing this week included 188 months in federal prison and almost $2 million in restitution. U.S. District Judge G. Kendall Sharp handed down the sentence claiming Dr. Wagner had relegated the trust he had as a chiropractor, and now taxpayers will have to pay the price for his fraud.
The Dayton Beach Chiropractor
was arrested, pled guilty and was convicted of illegally prescribing controlled
substances and healthcare fraud. According to court records Dr. Joseph Wagner
had written narcotic prescriptions for 12 patients that overdosed while under
his care, one patient had to be hospitalized for a seizure due to Xanax withdrawal.
"I am truly, truly sorry for injuring people,"
Dr. Wagner said while weeping at his sentencing hearing. His attorney argued Chiropractor
Joseph Wagner had a legitimate chiropractic office for many years prior to the insurance
prescription and Medicare fraud.
Previous Stories: Update on Chiropractor Joseph Wagner
Chiropractor Joseph Wagner is Staying in Jail
A Tale of 2 Chiropractors Faced with a Moral Decision About PIP Fraud
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: November 08, 2012
This is a tale of 2 chiropractors practicing in Florida and
the consequences of their actions. Both Chiropractors were approached with
similar scenarios: A non-doctor asked them to register a chiropractic clinic in
their name with the intention of circumventing Florida law to treat personal
injury patients. A clinic can obtain a certification of exemption if it is
owned by a physician, some facilities have had an illegal “straw” physician registered
as the owner to circumvent the rigorous certification process.
Chiropractor Dr. Lisa Adams agreed to put her name on
corporate documents of Ovy Rehabilitation Medical Center Inc in West Palm Beach
Florida and Chiropractic Office of South Florida LLC in Palm Springs Florida.
Dr. Adams’s ownership was in name only. She received a paycheck from the
corporations, but had no control of the finances or business dealings.
According to court documents Dr. Adams a 1998 Life
University graduate, stated she was not aware of the staged accidents that were
the source of her patients initially.
The scheme perpetuated by the true owners involved paying individuals to
stage accidents, then report to the clinics with a list of symptoms that they
were coached to provide. Various accusation were made in court documents
including: having patients sign bills for numerous dates of service when
treatment was not rendered, upcoding exams and billing for more services than
joint task force from the State of Florida, the FBI and the IRS arrested 10
other individuals including the clinic owners from Palm Beach County along with
Dr. Adams in June. This week in Federal Court Chiropractic Physician Jennifer
Adams pled guilty to one count
of conspiracy to commit mail fraud.
Dr. Adams did profess in the court records that she was aware of the fraud, but not at first. As a result she may be required to pay restitution of up to $250,000 to the court and 1.9 million to the 10 insurance companies that she defrauded. 1.9 million is the amount billed under her name after she was aware of the fraud.
Dr. Jennifer Adams will be sentenced in the future in federal court. She faces a maximum term of 20 years in prison, to be followed by a term of supervised release of not more than three years.
The second Chiropractor’s name in this story has not been
release so let’s call him Dr. B Dr. B contacted authorities right after he was
approached with the same situation in Sarasota Florida. For months he aided the Florida Department of Financial
Services’ Division of Insurance Fraud by applying for a clinic exemption for
Garden Relief Center, LLC on the behalf of Nerber A. Iglesias.
clinic submitted almost $40,000 in fraudulent insurance claims to 6 separate insurance
companies. Also while working under the direction of law enforcement Dr. B was
approached by Michael Borkowski, owner of a local collision repair shop, to
provide patients for a fee. Both men were arrested last week and charged with
personal injury protection fraud.
What is the moral of the story? Know the laws in the state where
you practice, it is your responsibility. If someone approaches you with a
business proposal make sure it is legal, don’t hesitate to contact an attorney.
Most states require chiropractor to report illegal activity, so do it.
As a physician you have an ethical and legal obligation for the services/care that you provide. Dr. B is left looking for a new job and Dr. Jennifer Adams is looking at prison. Not just prison, but restitution for possibly millions of dollars for funds that she never controlled.
Update on Chiropractor Joseph Wagner
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: August 28, 2012
Update: According to court records former Daytona Beach Chiropractor Joseph Wagner pleaded guilty to health care fraud, conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance and engaging in monetary transactions, or money laundering, in federal court in Orlando Florida on August 28th 2012. His sentencing is scheduled for November 28th.
Full Story: Chiropractor Joseph Wagner is Staying in Jail
Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida Offers New Dual Degree Partnership
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: June 18, 2012
Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida in Port Orange Florida has signed a dual-degree program agreement with the Methodist affiliated Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach Florida.
The 3+1 program was designed by Palmer College of Chiropractic to help students attain their degrees and foster cooperation between undergraduate institutions. The agreement was signed last week by Bethune-Cookman Interim President Edison Jackson and Palmer College Florida campus President Peter Martin DC.
The program will begin the first semester of 2012-2013. It will offer a bachelor degree in science with a biology or chemistry emphasis from Bethune-Cookman University and a doctor of chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida to qualified students.
The 3+1 program allows students to start with three years of education at Bethune-Cookman University, then transfer to the Doctor of Chiropractic program at Palmer Chiropractic College Florida. During their first year of study the students will also receive credit for completion of their fourth year at Bethune-Cookman by transferring their Palmer D.C. credits back in order to complete their undergraduate degree.
"The signing of this articulation agreement with the outstanding Palmer College of Chiropractic is a wonderful opportunity for Bethune-Cookman University," Interim President Edison Jackson stated. "Not only is this the beginning of a valuable community partnership, but this agreement serves as a terrific enhancement to the growing academic programs we are able to offer our students."
In Florida Daytona State College also offers the program along with numerous other institution around the country. For more information about Palmer 3+1 partnerships.
Chiropractor Joseph Wagner is Staying in Jail
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: May 31, 2012
Dr. Joseph Wagner’s trail of bad decisions has ended. Wednesday a federal judge denied the Dayton Beach Chiropractor’s release because of the risk that he might flee the country to the Dominican Republic. He was arrested on May 17th on charges stemming the raid on his clinic by the FBI in August of last year.
According to the Department of Justice Joseph Burrell Wagner is being held at the Orange County Jail and had a hearing at the Federal Court House in Orlando on charges of health care fraud and dispensing controlled substances from Wagner Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic in Daytona FL.
Chiropractor Joseph Wagner life’s spiral down has included, a divorce, relinquishing his medical license after the Department of Health filed an administrative complaint, and the loss of much of his assets including his office building.
His arrest in May thwarted his plan of escape to the Dominican republic. The FBI found in his luggage: a diploma from the medical school he graduated from in Dominican Republic, medical equipment, real estate documents, a recently purchased wedding ring, and documents on how to get married in that country. Dr. Wagner also had a bank account waiting for him there with over $3 million pesos, or about $80,000 US.
His is represented by defense attorney John E. Bergendahl who claimed Dr. Joseph Wagner has strong ties to the Daytona Beach area and is not a flight risk. One son is a member of the Volusia County Council and another Dr John Wagner is a local Chiropractor. After the FBI raid last August, Chiropractor John Wagner claimed that he does not speak to his father and had no idea what was happening at the Wagner clinic on Ridgewood.
The investigations started from a complaint to the Florida Department of Insurance Regulation after a personal injury patient stated she was instructed to fill out blank insurance forms. Several Insurance companies also filed complaints with the state that prompted an undercover investigation.
The undercover officer from the Personal Injury Protection Fraud Squad of the Florida Department of Financial Services visited Dr. Joseph Wagner’s Clinic, was treated and supplied with a prescription from medical doctor John P. Christensen. The officer never saw the MD. State Documents claim Dr. Christensen has been prescribing medications from multiple offices, located in several counties in Florida on the same days. His medical license was also suspended by an emergency order from the Department of Health.
The FBI took on the investigation in 2009, finding Dr. Joseph Wagner had distributed thousands of prescription pills after five minute office visits and an adjustment. It was claimed that he had pre-signed prescription pads from Dr. Christensen. Federal investigators stated Joseph Wagner DC charged patients without insurance $100 a month to prescribe drugs including hydrocodone and Xanax, he didn’t charge for the adjustment. Medicare and Insurance patients recieved the same treatment and their provders were billed for exams by a medical doctor.
If convicted, Dr. Joseph Wagner faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison for each charge.