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How Can a Chiropractor Become a DOT Medical Examiner?

All of the New Rules and Regulations Explained

  • DrTirpak

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    Name: DrTirpak
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    Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
    Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.

by: DrTirpak posted: January 18, 2013

Chiropractors Registering as DOT Medical Examiner

Chiropractors are among the approved providers that qualify to administer physical exams for commercial drivers and now have the opportunity to become Certified Medical Examiners (CME). Chiropractors are adding DOT Medical Examiner to expand their list of services, provide a potential new patient base, and diversify their revenue stream.

The US Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) passed regulations last year for Chiropractors and other providers that will require them to become Certified Medical Examiners by May 2014 in order to perform physical exams for commercial drivers.  To help facilitate this the FMSCA created a National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners that went live at the end of last year. Currently only a handful of providers are registered.

Tow truck, tractor trailer, and bus drivers are required to obtain a medical evaluation every 2 years, or less if certain health issues exist to maintain a commercial drivers license (CDL). The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates they will need 40,000 Certified Medical Examiners to provide physical exams for the current 4 million commercial drivers. Plus the new federal guidelines will require the 7 million inactive commercial drivers to have a current exam.

Presently the only requirements for any DC, MD, DO ARNP or PA to qualify to provide a physical exam for a commercial driver’s license is a state license and a clear understanding of the rules and regulations of the FMCSA. The new regulations require providers to take an approved seminar, pass a certification exam and register with the National Registry.

 Steps to take:

1. Register with the National Registry System and receive a unique identifier.

Signing up as a Certified Medical Examiner should not be taken lightly. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Guidelines outline the regulations for various health conditions and certain physical requirements that must be maintained to hold a commercial driver’s license. CMEs must agree to keep their accounts with the National Registry current, transmit CMV driver exams performed at least monthly to the FMCSA via the National Registry system and commit to continued training.

2. Complete a PACE Certified DOT Medical Examiner Continuing Education Course.
Pro Health Seminars offers weekend chiropractic continuing education seminars accredited through NUHS that meet the FMCSA National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (NRCME) guidelines and prepares Chiropractors for the exam.

The ACA in connection with Western States Chiropractic College offers live Chiropractic Seminars and online courses for Chiropractors are available from Team CME and NCRME Training Systems.

3. Take the Medical Examiner Certification Test.

The FMCSA has approved PSI Services to administer the Certified Medical Examiner Test at their testing facilities located in most major metropolitan areas across the US. The cost for the exam is $79.00

4. Continuing Education is required every five years and recertifying by passing the Medical Examiner Certification Test every 10 years

The FMSCA also offers an administrative assistant registration, that will be created soon, to insure that all documentation is properly logged and up to date. They will receive a login and instruction on how to transmit the exam information and update contact information.



I am looking for courses I can take to become certified to perform DOT physicals and drug testing in my office. Which would also count as my 24 hours continuing education program
by: Mahshid Amini
I am looking for courses I can take to become certified to perform DOT physicals and drug testing in my office.
by: Kristin Williamson

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