CE Cruncher's 2014 Year in Review - Chiropractic Continuing Education, News and Humor
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: January 02, 2015
CE Cruncher compiled all of the stats from 2014 with amazing results. We wanted to know more about what sparks a Chiropractor’s interest. Chiropractors are eager to learn, have busy lives and have a need for continuing education. CE Cruncher always strives to fulfill all of those needs by providing more of what Chiropractors want and need. Our 2014 list gave us a vast amount of insight to what DCs are searching.
We thought CE Cruncher’s list could also serve as an indicator for up and coming trends in the professional with techniques, business practices and shifts in identity. Maybe help identify where the profession is headed and what to expect in the future.
For the second year in a row kinesiology taping is the most sought after new supportive technique.
Everyone loves a convention. From coast to coast state association conventions brought much interest. Politically the gammet spanned from strong philosophical groups to advanced practice, and everything in between.
Doctors of Chiropractic have a sense of humor. Our Humor section ranked second in interest with non CE pages.
Which Chiropractic Continuing Education Providers garnered the most interest? What news stories spiked DCs interest? So we put together a list of the top interest throughout our website to share what we found and help provide the content that you crave for 2015.
Chiropractic Seminar Statistics
Top 10 Chiropractic Continuing Education Courses Viewed:
1. Connecticut Chiropractic Council Chiropractic Pure and Powerful Xtravagnza - September Ledyard CT
2. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - June Orlando FL
3. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - August West Palm FL
4. Florida Chiropractic Society Convention - November St. Petersburg FL
5. Life University Fall CE October - Marietta GA
6. NeuroDiagnostic Institute Neuro Diplomate - December Ponce Inlet FL
7. Logan Alumni Association Homecoming Midwest Conference - June St. Louis MO
8. International Board of Chiropractic Specialists Symposium - September Bloomington MN
9. Academy of Chiropractic Referral and Collections - January 2015 Boca Raton FL
10. Adjusting the Mind Dr. Schillinger - September Santa Cruz CA
Top 10 Chiropractic Continuing Education Providers Viewed:
Kinesio Taping Association
NeuroDiagnostic Institute
Florida Chiropractic Society
Target Coding
Adjusting the Mind – Dr. Schillinger
Connecticut Chiropractic Council
California Chiropractic Association
Florida Chiropractic Conferences
Most Popular City for a Chiropractic Seminar: Orlando Florida
Busiest Month for Chiropractic CEs: September
Most Searched State: Florida
Most Searched Chiropractic Continuing Ed Provider: BodyZone
CE Cruncher Statistics
Top Visited Sections - Non CE: Diplomates & Humor
Top News Story: Death of Dr. Dobbins
Most Viewed Chiropractic College Page: National University of Health Sciences - St. Petersburg Florida Campus
Chiropractor Statistics
Chiropractors that visited CE Cruncher live in:
US 84% Canada 4% Australia 1.5%
Most Popular State/Province:
1. Florida
2. California
3. Texas
4. New York
5. Georgia
6. Illinois
7. Pennsylvania
8. North Carolina
9. Ontario
10. New Jersey
How Chiropractors Viewed CE Cruncher:
Computer: 69% Mobile Device: 31%
Windows: 80% Mac: 20% IOS: 71% Android: 26% Windows: 3%
Weekly Chiropractic Seminar Highlight: Not All Kinesiology Taping is Equal
MOTUS - Myofascial Optimization Therapy Using Signaling
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Email: Amy@cecruncher.com
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: September 26, 2012
MOTUS Kinesiology Taping Therapy Course is the latest provider to use CE Cruncher to attract more Chiropractors searching for continuing education.
MOTUS incorporates current science, proven clinical therapeutic methodology, academic based knowledge, experienced clinicians, and groups of industry leaders input to create what many consider the most comprehensive kinesiology taping and fascia therapy courses available. MOTUS is fully dedicated to advancing rehabilitative fascia treatment around the globe, while providing our clinicians the most "hands-on" learning experience that is easy to understand and that can be implemented immediately into clinical care.
MOTUS Kinesiology Taping Therapy Course (MKTT) is designed for the practitioner who seeks extensive hands on training necessary to truly incorporate kinesiology taping into their treatment arsenal. Unlike other elastic therapeutic taping courses, MKTT courses will provide you with the protocols needed to successfully treat conditions through an easy to understand and even easier to follow teaching method.
Taping Protocols include:
Elastic Taping Technique Effects & Methods
Cervical / Thoracic / Lumbar Sprain Strain & HNP
Upper and Lower Cross Syndrome
TOS, Costochondritis, Costovertebral Joint pain
Epicondylititis, Impingement Syndrome, Tendonitis & Bursitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tenosynovitis
Gluteus Medius/ Adductor Imbalances, Hip Flexor,
Plantar Fascititis, Achilles Tendonitis, Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis
This concentrated hands on 14-hour course over 2 days was created by two of the leading elastic therapeutic taping practitioners in the world, Dr. Vince DeBono and Dr. David Parish, with almost 3 decades of combined experience in kinesiology taping alone.
Vince DeBono, DC, CSCS is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Vice President of Academics at NUHS.
David Parish, DC, CSCS, DACBSP is a Diplomate, American Board of Chiropractic Sports Physicians and Dean of Clinics at NUHS.
The course includes handouts/notes, 6 Rolls of PerformTex™ Tape and PerformTex™ FTO Scissor. Each seminar is certified through National University of Health Sciences for 14 Chiropractic Continuing Education Credit Hours in many states.
MOTUS Seminars Dates and Locations listed on CE Cruncher
Looking for other Kinesiology Taping Semnars: DC Seminars, KTSS, Kinesio Taping Association, NorthWestern Health Sciences University, Elite Pro