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Texas Chiropractors Attacked Again

  • DrTirpak

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    Name: DrTirpak
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by: DrTirpak posted: September 02, 2014

Texas Chiropractic Battle

Texas Chiropractors are under attack again, this time over sport physicals. The most recent assault at the chiropractic scope of practice came from the Texas legislature’s Sunset Commission. A recent vote of by commission regarding Middle, High School and College sports physicals was close after a brisk call to action from the Texas Chiropractic Association, but failed.

The Texas Sunset Commission, the state legislative agency that reviews state agencies on a periodic basis conducted a hearing on Aug 13, 2014 recommendation to prohibit Doctors of Chiropractic from doing University and Middle & High School Interscholastic League (UIL) pre-participation physicals.

The 12-member committee adopted the new language to Section 33.203 of the Texas Education Code that eliminated Doctors of Chiropractic from the statute by a vote of 7 in favor and 5 against, the chair, vice-chair and the 3 medical doctors on the committee voted in favor. The chair of the committee, Four Price, during the last elections touted endorsements for the Texas Medical Association and The Texas Hospital Association.

The Texas Chiropractic Association is trying to rally support and releases this statement following the vote: “While this only pertains to UIL physicals, this cannot stand. It is an erosion of a Doctor of Chiropractic's scope of practice and if they succeed here, then the next step will be to limit that scope of practice even further. This not only limits a Doctor of Chiropractic's ability to practice, it limits Texan's ability to choose their healthcare provider.“

Almost 5,000 licensed Chiropractors in the State of Texas practice under one on the most narrow scopes of practice in the country and the climate is not improving. A war has been waged in the last few years in Texas against Chiropractors, mainly from the Texas Medical Association’s predatory lawsuits.

The Texas Medical Association and Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners case over Diagnosis, MUA and needle EMG has been battling in the courts for years. Currently Chiropractors can diagnosis, but MUA and Needle EMG have been eliminated. Another lawsuit is ongoing from the Texas Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (TAAOM) against the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners over Chiropractors performing Acupuncture.

Recent discussions around the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners contemplated deleting its specialty program, as it is out of the parameters of the State’s Practice Act. The future of Chiropractic in Texas will be tumultuous; fortunately the Texas Chiropractic Association and their PAC are poised to continue to defend the Chiropractors of Texas.

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