TMJ and Cervical Spine Chiropractic Continuing Education Seminar Highlights
Poster Profile:
Name: DrTirpak
Age: ????
Location: Tampa, FL
Position: Owner
Sign: Gemini
Bio:Helping Chiropractors find some class is my job.
Experienced Chiroprctor and Internet lover, Amy Tirpak, DC, started CE Cruncher with the support of the Advertising Agency that she co-owns.
by: DrTirpak posted: April 16, 2013
Forty Chiropractors expanded their knowledge at the TMJ and the Cervical Spine Seminar with Dr. Mitch Mally on April 13th 2013. The Chiropractic Continuing Education course in Tampa Florida discussed TMJ anatomy, common dysfunctions, and the correlation with the cervical spine. After 4 hours of lecture including X-rays, MRI and DMX imaging of the temporomandibular joint Dr. Mitch Mally demonstrated his style of adjusting with bombastic flare. Dr. Mitch Mally is a well-known Chiropractor, holding extremity seminars all over the US and Europe. His approach is by no means subtle, calling on his martial arts experience with speed and precision.
Chiropractors traveled from Illinois, Pennsylvania, and both coasts of Florida to fill the seats of the seminar. One Chiropractor was overheard saying, “Dr. Mally really knows how to captivate an audience with his dramatic adjusting style.”
When asked about the highlights of the seminar numerous chiropractors mentioned their new confidence in analyzing and adjusting TMJ conditions. Many liked the ideas on how to market their newly learned skills in their Chiropractic Practice to Dentists and Medical Doctors. Over half of the participants had attended a Chiropractic Continuing Education Seminar with Dr. Mally before and remarked that if the opportunity arose they would do it again.
CE Cruncher offered online registration for the seminar along with coffee, tea and Cuban pastries for the participating Chiropractic Physicians.