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Dr. Merkle: Keynote Speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology Seoul, Korea
Dr. Van Merkle was recently the keynote speaker at the Clinical Society for Integrative Oncology in Seoul, Korea.About 250 oncologists, researchers, and other medical doctors were in attendance. The audience included renowned doctors that traveled from China for the event: Dr. Jin Zhe, M.D. (urologist, professor at Peking University, in the elder care division); Dr. Zhang Jinping, (chair/director of 300 elder care hospitals in China - which covers approximately 100 million people); Dr. Seo Jungbok, O.M.D (K.M.D) vice president in DaeJung Elder Care Hospital in China; Dr. Fu Ping, (chairman of the Chinese Clinical Nutrition Association); Dr. Kim Kyungah, M.D. (G.P) team doctor of DaeJung Hospital, Korea; Dr. Park Minsoo, M.D. (G.P.) one of the most renown TV star doctors in Korea.Interpreters were helpful, but many doctors from China and Korea were medically trained using English textbooks and speak English fairly well. South Koreans can receive a free, fairly comprehensive blood test every 2 years through the government health plan. There is great potential for natural oriented doctors to use lab testing in their nutrition practice, which is why Dr. Merkle was invited to speak. Dr. Merkle spoke on laboratory testing and nutrition. He also discussed how serious problems sometimes have simple, safe, natural solutions. Maybe a week or 2 of trying a safe, natural, option might show dramatic laboratory results even in advanced cancer cases.Dr. Merkle presented several of his own cases, showing the validity of nutrition backed up with laboratory testing. Dr. Merkle’s presentation was enthusiastically received. Many doctors wanted pictures with him and he received several very nice gifts. Dr. Merkle also presented certificates to 26 doctors of the first class trained in Korea using Dr. Merkle’s Science Based Nutrition (SBN) system. The class took the doctors a year to complete and was held by a South Korean doctor that has been using SBN for approximately 10 years. It has taken a long time to develop the SBN system and translate the reports into Korean. Dr. Merkle was asked to travel to China, Dubai and Singapore and back to South Korea to lecture and train doctors on more natural care, as well as options for cancer and elder care, some of the most pressing and costly health problems. Dr. Merkle said, “Speaking at the oncology conference was very exciting. I also ate some great food and visited beautiful national landmarks but most importantly, I made some very good friends. I look forward to returning.” Dr. Van D. Merkle DABCI, DCBCN, CCN, is an August 1982 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic. He is board certified in clinical nutrition and a board certified clinical internist, who has practiced in Centerville, Ohio for over 35 years. He is the founder, developer and president of Science Based Nutrition (SBN) - a laboratory and nutrition, patented computer analysis system. He has been the host of the talk show Take 2 Healthcare on WHIO 95.7 FM every Saturday 11AM to noon for over 25 years in Dayton Ohio. Dr. Van Merkle also contributed his talents and resources to the Chiropractic Online Nutrition Diplomate Program, teaching courses on lab testing and immunity.
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Chiropractors,Chiropractic CE,Nutrition
Florida Aims To Add Injectable Nutrients For Chiropractors
A bill has been introduced into the Florida Senate this week to allow chiropractors the ability to administer injectable nutrients. Senate Bill 1078 was introduced today by Florida senator Jeff Brandes, Republican from St. Petersburg Florida. The bill states:An act relating to chiropractic medicine; amending s. 460.403, F.S.; authorizing chiropractic physicians who have completed specified training to administer articles of natural origin; authorizing licensed pharmacists to fill such chiropractors’ orders for articles of natural origin;The legislation also calls for an additional 36-hour training course for chiropractors to be able to participate. The bill includes a list of substances that can be administered: vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, hyaluronic acid, enzymes, saline, anti-oxidants, dextrose, glandulars, cellular components, extracts, water, botanicals, phytonutrients, and homeopathics, and may administer medical oxygen.It is too soon to tell what will happen with this chiropractic scope expanding bill, the legislative session starts March 5th and lasts for 60 days. The bill has a long road ahead before passage. It first would need to make it out of the committee, where public hearings and amendments may be offered, vote on the senate floor, another in the state house and approval from the governor.The political flames are already starting to roar among Florida's chiropractic associations. The senate bill has its origins with the Florida Chiropractic Physicians Association and is not supported by the other two state Chiropractic associations. With dueling lobbyists and competing agendas of the Florida Chiropractic Associating and Florida Chiropractic Society, the fate of this bill will be up in the air for a while.If Florida’s Chiropractic scope of practice is expanded with this bill Chiropractors in the state would join a progressive movement in the profession working on expanding services. Numerous western states (New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Idaho) have added expanded rights including injectables in the last few years. In Oklahoma chiropractors have had the authority to be certified to give vitamin and mineral shots to patients for over 40 years.This is not the FCPA’s first attempt at passing a bill covering injectables for DCs. In 2001 the organization pushed similar legislation that was met with public discord from the International Chiropractors Association (ICA). The previous attempt was not successful.For a brief time, chiropractors in Florida starting in 1985 were allowed to withdraw blood for diagnostic purposes and certified DCs could use proprietary drugs. Close to a 100 Chiropractors in Florida still have the designation on their license. Will history repeat itself or will everything stay status quo? Check back for updates on this issue and more Chiropractic News.
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Chiropractors,Chiropractic Colleges,Chiropractic Students
Sign Up For Oklahaven's Have-A-Heart Fundraiser 2019
Each year, Valentine’s Week, the non-profit “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center asks chiropractors and chiropractic students to join forces to help severely injured children by participating in the Oklahaven’s Have-A-Heart Campaign. Hundreds of chiropractors and students in the US and around the world have raised the much-needed funds for “Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center as part of their annual Have-A-Heart Campaign.The Have-A-Heart Campaign, not only benefits “Oklahaven,” it brings awareness to chiropractic patients and the general public about the benefits of chiropractic for the children. Signing up to participate is free; it includes a fundraising kit and instructions on how to implement. Joining the campaign is simple and easy. Many chiropractic practices show the Children’s Journeys to Health video (included in the fundraising kit) in their lobby and offer fundraising hearts to purchase. Others have used the promotional materials provided to host educational events, raffles and open houses to showcase the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care.“Oklahaven” Children’s Chiropractic Center has quietly served the children for 57 years. Pediatric patients with neurologically disorganization, nursing difficulties, developmental delays, autistic spectrum, cerebral palsy, failure to thrive and many other conditions have been successfully treated at the Center with chiropractic.When asked why he participated in “Oklahaven’s” Have-A-Heart Campaign five-time Golden Heart Winner, Dr. Howard Berg, said, “It allows the community to see that you do contribute to something greater and that chiropractic makes a difference in children’s lives. That’s huge.”Chiropractors that have participated in the program have stated that the Have-A-Heart Campaign creates a positive perception of chiropractic in their community and most importantly the satisfaction of helping the tiniest of patients that are most in need. Stepping up to the challenge requires interested chiropractors to fill out an online form and free fundraising packets are mailed in January. Every year “Oklahaven” strives to promote the Have-A-Heart Campaign to a larger audience through word of mouth, Chiropractic publications, organizations, digital and social media with the ultimate goal of helping more children with chiropractic. Sign Up Here
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Access to Chiropractic in Vermont is Now A Little Easier
Way To Go Vermont! Vermonters will soon see parity with health insurance co-payments between chiropractors and primary care. Thanks to the resent passage of bill S.1, in 2019 the Vermont Health Exchange will offer health insurance plans with much lower co-pays for DCs, previously in the $70-$90 range. Motivation for the legislature to pass the bill and for the governor to sign it, came from the Vermont Chiropractic Association’s (VCA) lobbying efforts promoting chiropractic treatment for musculoskeletal injuries as an alternative to opioid prescriptions. See the Vermont Chiropractic Association (VCA) press release for more information
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Ohio Chiropractor Swings Onto the Golf Channel Competition TV Show
What Do Golf Drivers and Chiropractic Have in Common? Scott Haack, DCOct 2 starts the reality contest tv show Driver vs. Driver on the Golf Channel. One of the talented 14 finalists chosen for the television show is Chiropractor Scott Haack. The second season of the show follows aspiring golf equipment designers as they compete for the opportunity to develop a driver golf club for the sporting goods company Wilson. Viewers can follow the contestants from sketches to prototypes as they are critiqued by professional golfers and other celebrities. One well designed club creator will take home a quarter of a million dollars and will see their final design available in golf stores around the world.How did a Chiropractor end up on the show? Dr. Scott Haack has not only practiced as a DC, but turned his knowledge into a career as a medical device inventor and sport gear developer. In the golf arena he has already developed a putter, a hand free bag cart, and a golf training aid (Medicus CoreLinks keeps golfers arms pressed to their sides, that improves accuracy and prevents an "over the top" swing). Scott Haack, DC, a 1998 Logan College of Chiropractic (Logan University) graduate, has a keen knack of seeing a problem and inventing the solution. After noticing structural and functional issues of the unequal weight distribution from carrying a heavy golf bag, he created Bakrol, a device that allows golfers a hands-free golf bag carrier. His successful inventions have spanned numerous industries: SoftTouch seatbelt device by Pressure Products, Inc., ALTAIR Force timepiece, Histolock resection device and the Moray EUS Microforceps by US Endoscopy. Now he has now turned his attention not only to his own creative creations, but helping others do the same. Chiro Pro Inc, Dr. Haack’s company, offers consulting from product conception, patenting, to retailing for new inventors. Watch to Golf Channel October 2nd at 9:00pm EST
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Colleges > Parker University
To be a successful doctor, you need more than just a degree. You need an education that challenges you both inside and outside the classroom, providing experiences and opportunities that allow you to maximize your potential. Parker University College of Chiropractic prepares you to be a leading primary care physician and gatekeeper to the health care system because it sets the highest standards for chiropractic wellness, education, and service.
You have the opportunity to learn from world-renown scientists and practitioners in both classroom and clinic settings. Parker's facilities empower you to stay ahead of the curve and receive the best quality education available. Most importantly, the Parker campus atmosphere provides a positive learning environment that encourages you to accomplish your goals and become the most successful student and future doctor you can be.
To find out more, go to the website: or call (800) 438-6932.
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